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PHC6534: "Heal PalmPRIDE" Self-dense for LGBTQ+ Domestic Abuse Survivors

Domestic violence is a public health issue in Orange County, FL. The rate of domestic violence reports in Orange county , FL is 587.9/100,000, significantly higher than the average in the state of Florida (Florida Department of Health, n.d.).. Reports estimate that LGBTQ+ populations may have a domestic violence rate (DV) of up to 25%, similar to heterosexual women (Huecker et al., 2021). Victims and perpetrators of domestic violence most often have been exposed to several ACEs (Huecker et...

PHC6534: Using a Trauma-Informed Approach for Obesity Prevention and Reduction

Excess weight has been known to be a risk factor for several top leading causes of death, including heart disease, various types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, and stroke (Centers for Disease Control, 2018). Several studies have documented that adverse experiences during childhood, including exposure to sexual and physical abuse and witnessing violence, are associated with the development of obesity (Isohookana et al., 2016) and puts individuals at an increased risk of serious diseases and...

PHC6534: Addressing and Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences leading to Malnutrition through the Utilization of Alachua County Public Schools

My grant proposal focuses on the relationship between malnutrition and childhood ACE’s. My reason for picking malnutrition as my issue was because those who struggle with the condition often come from areas of low SES, poor areas, and low economic opportunity. Malnutrition adds an extra level of burden because biologically it can cause issues with memory and cognition that can extend well into adulthood. The effect of malnutrition and the process of not having enough/the right foods to eat...

PHC6534: Mental Health Within the Homeless Population in Gainesville, FL

This specific program will target the homeless population in Alachua county specifically in Gainesville that utilize Grace Market Place and Saint Francis House. We will also offer support for those who participant by allowing health professionals (such as nurses and social workers) visit them and help in any capacity. The plan is to tackle the disparities within the Gainesville community in the homeless population. This will be achieved by providing the target population with social workers,...

PHC6534: Primary and Tertiary ACE's Prevention with new Mothers

Children are our future. The prosperity of our communities and society as a whole is conditional upon the success of our youth. Yet there are millions of kids growing up in dysfunctional households and/or exposed to toxic environments outside the home that impede their physical, mental, and social development. The best form of primary prevention lies with our expecting mothers or pregnant people with a uterus. By equipping soon-to-be parents with the tools and resources to ensure a stable...

Last chance to apply for a scholarship for the Creating a Resilient Community Conference!

Apply for a Scholarship In this new video PJI Director, Rachel Allen shares some exciting information regarding what you can expect at the upcoming Conference! Register for the Conference Conference Overview: The Peace and Justice Institute at Valencia College, the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County, the Creating a Resilient Community Network and Title Sponsor, Orlando Health, are excited to invite you to register for the Third Annual Creating a Resilient Community (CRC): From Trauma...

Spreading HOPE Summit – Afternoon Session Feature, Pt. 5: Jane Stevens and Dr. David Willis []

Chloe Yang, 3/29/21, Our first annual summit is less than a month away! Please register at this link , which you can also find on the Summit landing page (registration closes at 5:00 pm ET on Monday, April 5th). Our virtual summit seeks to inspire a group of leaders who will, together, champion a movement to shift how we support children and families, creating systems of care based on understanding, equity, and trust. Morning plenary sessions will feature Dr. Bob...

A Better Normal Friday, March 26, 2021: PACEs and HOPE with Dr. Christina Bethell

Please join us for our next installment of A Better Normal, our live webinar series in which we imagine and create our society as trauma-informed! You may have seen we changed our name recently from ACEs Connection to PACEs Connection. Please join us to learn all about the groundbreaking research of Positive Childhood Experiences and how this is going to transform the work we are all doing. >>Click here to register<< PACEs and HOPE Live Event Friday, March 26, 2021 Noon PT / 1pm...

A Comprehensive Policy Framework to Understand and Address Disparities and Discrimination in Health and Health Care: A Policy Paper From the American College of Physicians []

By Josh Serchen, Robert Doherty, and Omar Atiq, Annals of Internal Medicine, January 12, 2021 Abstract Racial and ethnic minority populations in the United States experience disparities in their health and health care that arise from a combination of interacting factors, including racism and discrimination, social drivers of health, health care access and quality, individual behavior, and biology. To ameliorate these disparities, the American College of Physicians (ACP) proposes a...

Committed: How a 6-Year-Old Revealed Florida's Dysfunctional System of Baker Acting Kids []

By JacqueLynn Hatter, Center for Health Journalism, December 13, 2020 The number of children who are taken for involuntary psychiatric evaluations in Florida increases every year. This is the first story in a five-part series about how the state's Baker Act affects children. Each day in Florida, about 100 kids are involuntarily committed for psychiatric exams under the state's Baker Act. The law was not designed for children, yet over the past few years, the number of minors taken for mental...

ACEs Champion: The reintroduction of Michael Hayes — from ACEs awakening to ACEs community service

It wasn’t until his fifth prison term in a North Carolina county jail — his fourth conviction for driving under the influence — that Michael Hayes volunteered to take an ACE survey that changed his life. The 48-year-old father of six sons and one daughter had spent a number of years in and out of prison. During his last term, to get some time out of the cell where he spent 16 hours a day, he volunteered to attend a class offered by RHA Health Services, a nonprofit that incorporates the...

Whole People Watch Weekend on ACEs Connection (Dec. 11th - 13th)

The Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences FREE Film Festival continues this weekend. Please join us to watch parts 1, 2, and 3 of the PBS Whole People series at your convenience, on ACEs Connection, by clicking play on the videos below: Whole People | 101 | Childhood Trauma | Episode 1 (27 min) Preview: Whole People | 102 | Healing Communities | Preview | Episode 2 Whole People | 102 |Healing Communities Episode 2 (27 min) Whole People | 103 |A New Response | Episode 3 (27 min) This is one of...


SACRAMENTO – The Office of the California Surgeon General today released the first California Surgeon General’s Report - Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General's Report on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health. The report serves as a blueprint for how communities, states, and nations can recognize and effectively address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress as a root cause to some of the most harmful, persistent, and expensive societal and...

Opportunity to sign on to “A Trauma-Informed Agenda for the First 100 Days of the Biden-Harris Administration”—Deadline Dec. 8th

The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice ( CTIPP ) is inviting individuals and organizations to express their support for a set of executive actions for the Biden-Harris Administration to take “to address trauma and build resilience throughout the country.” Most of these actions could be taken early in the Administration and would not require congressional action with the exception of some recommendations that could be included in a new stimulus package. The recommendations are...

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