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Talking Through Trauma

In 2021, around 29 million people were diagnosed with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) (National Institute on Alcohol and Abuse, 2023). Sexual abuse victims are thirteen times more likely to participate in alcohol abuse (Rivers, 2015). Women who have experienced sexual assault during childhood are more likely to be heavy drinkers compared to other women (Abbey et al., 2004). Women are more likely to make up the demographics of sexual violence victims in the emergency department (Loder & Robinson, 2020). Women aged 18-23 are three times more likely to experience sexual assault (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, n.d.). Currently Alaska has the highest rates of rape cases in the United States (World Population Review, 2023).

Talking Through Trauma is a public health multi-level intervention that will build resilience in sexual assault victims to prevent them from participating in alcohol abuse through therapy counseling sessions. The target population will be Black and White women aged 18-34 years who have experienced sexual violence or intimate partner violence. The intervention will be using the CDC's Social-Ecological Model (SEM) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). The intervention plans on forming community partnerships with community leaders, general practitioners, and state health departments to help recruit participants. Marketing will be through infographics that will be shared by community partners and a radio ad that will be played through public radio or state funded radio stations.

SEMl has four different levels: individual, relationship, community, and society (CDC, 2021). Talking Through Trauma will have intervention strategies at all levels. At the individual level, participants will be educated about the health risks of alcohol abuse. The intervention will also try to change victims' attitudes and beliefs about healthier coping mechanisms at this level as well. At the relationship level, Talking Through Trauma will provide educational programs for victims' families and friends about addressing how they can create a strong support system for victims. Family and friends will also know how to improve communication with victims and strategies on dealing with victims who are abusing alcohol and using illicit substances. At the community level, the intervention will provide funding for a local program peer-group therapy, and provide monetary support and resources to local substance abuse counseling centers. Talking Through Trauma will address the societal level by creating a statewide media campaign to destigmatize victims of sexual violence, and advocate for policies that will provide more funding to rape crisis centers in the state.


Abbey, A., Zawacki, T., Buck, P. O., Clinton, A. M., & McAuslan, P. (2004). Sexual assault and alcohol consumption: What do we know about their relationship and what types of research are still needed? Aggression and Violent Behavior,9(3), 271–303.

Center for Disease and Prevention Control. (2022, January 18). The social-ecological model: A framework for prevention

Loder, R. T., & Robinson, T. P. (2020). The demographics of patients presenting for sexual assault to US emergency departments. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 69, 101887.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). (2023). Alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the United States: Age groups and demographic characteristics. Retrieved August 2, 2023, from
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (n.d.).Victims of sexual violence: Statistics. Retrieved August 1, 2023, from
Rivers, A. (2015, April 13). The connection between sexual assault and substance abuse. MindWise.
World Population Review (2023). Rape statistics by state. Retrieved August 1, 2023, from https://worldpopulationreview....-statistics-by-state

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