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Clergy Wholeness Project: Mental Health and Resilience for Clergy in the State of Florida

Hi All!

The Clergy Wholeness Project focuses on the mental health of clergy in the state of Florida, intending to build resilience in this population. The communication campaign developed will assist in building resilience in clergy by educating and equipping clergy. The three materials provided are: 

1. Blogpost: describes the beginnings of this project and how it reached where it is now. It also covers the popular and scholarly research that supports the project's efforts. 

2. Infographic: A brief resource for individuals that need reminding of critical components of resilience. 

3. Podcast: A produced podcast interview with Dr. Linda Simmons, an Ordained pastor, healthcare chaplain, and mental health counselor soon to be!

I hope these resources will prove useful to clergy in their journey of resilience and mental health!

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