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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesTexas PACEs Connection (TX)

Texas PACEs Connection (TX)

An online platform to foster communication and collaboration across communities and sectors in Texas with the goal of promoting ideas, policies and practices that reduce and prevent childhood adversity, build resilience in individuals and families, and help those affected by trauma to heal and thrive.

Texas Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs) Questionnaire - Answer now and help accelerate the Texas PACEs Movement

Thank you so much in advance for completing this questionnaire. Our goal is to learn about all the PACEs initiatives in Texas so we can we can better connect and help one another prevent ACEs, heal trauma, and build resilient communities.

We will be sharing aggregated data (no personal information) in a blog post soon.

Questions? Please contact community managers Julianne Gaut of Janet Pozmantier via private message.

Thank you again for helping us build PACEs Connection Texas!

1. Personal Information

What is your name?

What organization do you represent (if applicable)?

What is your title?

2. What city and/or county are you in?

3. Does your city or county have an ACEs coalition?

4. If no, and you would like to start one, please give us your email address and we will contact you.

5. If yes, who leads the initiative (name and email address)?

6. How many people are involved in your initiative?

7. What sectors are involved in your initiative? Please check all that apply. For "Other," please explain.

8. How often does your initiative meet?

9. What is the focus of your initiative?

10. Does your organization have a strategic plan? If so and it is public, will you share the link to it?

11. What actions are you taking in the community and what do you hope to accomplish?

12. If you need assistance from PACES connection , what would be most helpful?

13. Have you ever attended an ACEs training? If so when and where?

14. Does your organization currently provide ACEs training and/or trauma informed programs?

15. What sectors of your community would most benefit from trauma informed training? Please check all that apply.

16. Are you aware of any PACEs science presentations being made in Texas?

Please list any organizations in your initiative that have received American Rescue Act funding.

Posted by Julianne Gaut ·
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