Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Noon - 1 p.m.
Please join us for our next ACEs Aware webinar to learn more about the secondary health effects associated with stress caused by COVID-19. Presenters will share how ACEs Aware training and resources to treat toxic stress can equip providers with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively incorporate ACE screening into patient care, and to better support pediatric and adult patients during this stressful time.
This webinar will:
- Share how COVID-19 set conditions in motion involving new, acute stressors activating the toxic stress response that affect the physical and mental health of patients, including increased rates of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and ACE-Associated Health Conditions.
- Apply principles of trauma-informed care and evidence-based toxic stress interventions to implement ACE screening.
- Provide examples of how pediatricians and adult providers use ACEs training and buffering resources to help patients mitigate the effects of the pandemic, including from secondary health impacts.
- Devika Bhushan, MD, FAAP - Chief Health Officer, Office of the California Surgeon General
- Eric Ball, MD, FAAP - CHOC Primary Care Network
- Martina J. Jelley, MD, MSPH, FACP - University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine
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