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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

Sonoma County ACES Connection Meeting Notes from 1-17-16

Dear Sonoma County ACES Connection Enthusiasts,

Guess who is coming to our town?

Dr. Macy is a tireless pioneer in the field of psychological trauma, psychosocial recovery and resiliency in research, interventions and violence prevention initiatives for children, youth, their families, and adults and their communities exposed to traumatic events including large-scale disasters, terrorist events, and political, school based, community and armed conflict violence.  Check out his upcoming workshops at Hanna Boys Center here.

Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting. We had a robust turn out even given the coming holiday season!

Today, we started the meeting with a quiet mindful moment washing our hands with warm towels (courtesy of Allen) and taking a moment to take in the fragrant plum blossoms placed on our center table.  Jenni reminded us how taking time to deeply observe an object of nature is an easy centering activity we can use in our own lives or with clients. 


Members reported out on efforts to promote resiliency and inform the community about ACES:


  • Meredith Kieschinck reported out on the “We ask Everyone” campaign and the larger effort to incorporate ACES screening into Elsie Allen High School and Roseland Pediatrics clinics.
  • Kate Jenkins is making progress with bringing key stakeholders to our ACES Connection group: )Probation Chief Bob Ochs is sending Brad Michnevich to attend meetings beginning in February 2.) Sid McColley at Behavioral Health to find a regularly attending staff person. 
  • Joan Reynolds attended our meeting for the first time bringing her recent experience as the Coordinator of the Lake County Child Abuse Prevention Council at LCOE. Jane led ACES survey/project with First 5 that turned up some interesting results.  
  • Grace Harris gave an update about the recent Strengthening Families Roundtable held on January 26, 2016. Agencies across the county are collaborating to promote uplifting families as a strategy for preventing child abuse and reducing ACES.
  • Jenni Silverstein announced that the 0-8 Mental Health Collaborative in Humboldt is organizing trainings including bringing the Braselton team to California. She suggests we explore how Sonoma County might also benefit from this major speaker visiting our area.

Group Poll:  Karen Clemmer will attend the “Changing Minds: Creating Healthy, Trauma-informed Communities” hosted by Futures Without Violence on 2/3/16 in San Francisco. She polled members to find out who is working on Violence Prevention.  Grace shared CPI’s activities around Strengthening Families Framework and Triple P’s Positive Parenting Program, which are evidenced-based to reduce child abuse.  Alea shared Healthy Communities’ plans to develop a Violence Prevention report. Sharon Beckman shared her work with Northern California prisons.  Lori shared local school efforts to implement the “tool box” curriculum, which empowers youth to cope with emotions.

Please remember to post news of your activities on the ACES Connection webpage.

Here are some events and articles you won’t want to miss:


Hope to see you at our next meeting on February 24, 2016!



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