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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

Sonoma County ACES Connection Meeting Minutes 7-27-16

For a more colorful version - see attached .pdf


Dear Sonoma County ACEs Connection Friends,

Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting.

Today, we started the meeting with a mindfulness activity. We continue to begin with this ritual to help us be present and focused, and to build the mental muscles needed to turn off the stress circuitry.

Grace Harris shared a brief overview of the “Self-Healing Communities” model presented by Laura Porter during the July 14 Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities webinar. We watched a clip from the video. Ellen Bauer and Allen Nishikawa volunteered to lead future discussions on the topic as the group expressed interest in exploring more of this concept. Laura Porter will also be visiting our community in October 2016 as part of the ACEs Fellowship Program. More details soon!

Strategic Planning Update

Sue formally thanked everyone for participating in the June Strategic Planning Session. Selena guided the session, Grace welcomed all, Sharon and Allison facilitated the relationship building activity, and Meredith shared data AND helped secure the space and the divine lunch.

Alea led the group in selecting a final vision statement crafted by a volunteer group who took the draft statements from the retreat and crafted three final versions for the group to choose from. The group ultimately selected: “Our community is united, safe, and resilient.”

Holly shared the draft working guidelines developed during the retreat and refined by group leaders in July. The official working guidelines will be voted into adoption during the September meeting. Please review the draft guidelines here.

We agreed to form two committees: Steering Committee and Speaker’s Bureau. The Speaker’s Bureau Committee will begin meeting on August 4, 2016.

We’ll continue making progress on our Strategic Planning work in coming months as we create a work plan and then establish other committees to carry out that work plan. The Steering Committee may take on the role of developing proposals for the full Membership to review. This way, we can save the bulk of our meeting agenda for learning community activities.

Please post news of your activities on the ACEs Connection webpage.

As Jane says, this is our community of practice.  It is as easy to use as Facebook, but it offers us so much more as it can be a place where we share resources and ideas.  The site is newly organized and has a new look. Check it out today:

Here are some events and articles you won’t want to miss:


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