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What to do for Presidents' Day Weekend? Watch 'The Raising of America' for FREE through Monday!


Did you know that you can watch every episode of The Raising of America--Early Childhood and Future of our Nation -for FREE until February 15th?

Watch the episodes of interest to get informed and join us at ACEs Connection Network to recognize and share solutions that communities all over the US are doing to combat these very real issues in our society. Join the movement to build resilient communities!


Raising of America Signature Hour: The U.S. is the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world. So why has our child well-being fallen to 26th? An alarming number of American children are following low developmental trajectories from the start. They enter adulthood with learning challenges, behavioral issues and even poor physical health.

Wounded Places: Confronting Childhood PTSD in America's Shell-Shocked Cities 
Caheri Gutíerrez, Antonio Carter and Javier Arango are among the remarkable young people wrestling with hyper-vigilance, sudden rages, nightmares, inability to trust and difficulty concentrating in school.  Their symptoms look a lot like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). But they are not combat vets and for them there is no ‘post’.  They live in Oakland and Philadelphia, two cities whose long history of disinvestment and structural racism has ravaged entire neighborhoods and exposed children and families to multiple adversities and traumatic experiences – not just violence, but fear, poverty, domestic instability and a sense of futurelessness.

DNA is not Destiny: How the Outside gets Under the Skin
Discoveries in the exciting new field of epigenetics suggest that fetal and early child environments literally become part of us. Experiences, scientists have learned, can leave chemical marks, called the epigenome, on our DNA, especially during the early years. The epigenome acts like a dimmer switch or volume control, turning genes on or off, making them shout or whisper. In so doing, they change the way our brains and bodies function--with enduring consequences for behaviors and mental and physical health.

Once Upon a Time: When Childcare for All Wasn't Just a Fairy Tale
Childcare in America is a patchwork—uneven in quality, unaffordable to most and failing many of our youngest children. How might American life might be different today if all of the nation’s children had access to high-quality early care and education for the past four decades? We almost did.

Are We Crazy About our Kids?: The Cost-Benefit Analysis
Science shows that a child’s experiences during the early years are vital to building the foundation for future success – in school and in life. Now economists are studying the costs and benefits of high-quality early care and preschool. And they’re worried—not because we’re spending too much but because we’re investing too little where it matters most.

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