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Upcoming Workshop (2/22/16): "No Such Thing As a Bad Kid"

Go to the EventBrite  to get tickets, and complete description of workshop (which is excerpted below). They accept Purchase Orders. 

No Such Thing As a Bad Kid: Understanding and Responding to Children and Youth with Emotional & Behavioral Challenges Using Positive, Strength-Based Approaches

Date: Monday, February 22, 2016

Registration Begins: 8:30 AM; Workshop: 9:00 AM Until 3:30 PM

Cost: $75.00+Tix Fee / Box Lunch: $10.00+Tix Fee / Group Discounts

Strength-based practice is an emerging approach to guiding at-risk children and youth that is exceptionally positive and inspiring. Its focus is on strength-building rather than flaw-fixing. It begins with the belief that every individual has or can develop strengths and utilize past successes to mitigate problem behavior and enhance functioning.  

This full-day comprehensive workshop will highlight many of the key principles and techniques of this transforming modality.  

 Areas covered include:

  • What is strength-based practice & the power of a positive attitude & culture;

  • positive emotions and the functioning of the brain; strength-based communication principles and techniques - including re-framing, using solution focused questions and inspirational metaphors;

  • self-esteem building & activities for at-risk children and youth; how to help cognitively inflexible young people; the importance of being family centered;

  • why, how, and when to use incentive plans;

  • the importance of controlling personal emotions (i.e. managing number one first); respectful limit setting;

  • And a host of creative cognitive behavioral strategies.

For more information visit the event brite link:


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