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TODAY ONLY!!!!! Want to see the follow up film to Paper Tigers?


UPDATE: Registration link probably won't work anymore, but see Jane's comment below for other registration option. 

We caught up to this late, but it looks like folks have still been able to register. The deadline was yesterday. Try to register and receive a code to watch Resilience, the follow up film to Paper Tigers!


There is still time to squeak in and RSVP for the showing this Sunday of the Resilience documentary.

Here’s how this will work, in three steps: 

1. Register here β€” The registration deadline is noon Thursday (PST), April 7, 2016, BUT THE SITE IS STILL OPEN SO SIGN UP NOW.

2. On Friday, April 8, we will send everyone who registered an email with the code.

3. Join us on April 10th at 6:00 pm PST/ 9:00 pm EST for a free sneak peek ofResilience, the critically acclaimed documentary by KPJR Films that chronicles a new movement among pediatricians, therapists, educators and communities who are using cutting-edge brain science to disrupt cycles of violence, addiction and disease.



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