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Move Your Body, Calm Your Mind: 5 Practices That Help Ease Anxiety []


“Get out of your head and get into your body. Think less and feel more.” ~Osho

Do you want to meditate but the idea of sitting with your thoughts for twenty minutes gives you anxiety? Or maybe meditation seems like one more task you have to add to your ever growing to-do list, so you take a pass?

As a working mother of three, I'm no stranger to daily stress and routine overwhelm. Life in the twenty-first century can be pretty hectic, especially for busy moms, and so many of us search for practical ways to minimize the stress and anxiety that are so common in our society.

Meditation seems like a perfect solution. It's “easy,” accessible, and it's good for our health, both mental and physical. It reduces stress and improves emotional regulation, concentration, and sleep. It helps us develop more kindness and compassion, for others and ourselves.

Sounds like a perfect cure. Except it's hard. It can feel like a chore or a time thief. And it often triggers our fears and anxieties, especially if we have a history of trauma we're still healing. 

So why not adjust the traditional meditation practice to reflect our modern lifestyle and constrictions? Why not mimic the practice of mindfulness while moving your body? Instead of sitting still, why not focus on gentle, repetitive movements that are enjoyable, all while reaping the benefits of mindfulness?

Believe me, you can have it both ways.

[To read the rest of this article by Joanna Ciolek, click here.]

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