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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesPeace4Manasota (Manatee, Desoto, Sarasota Counties) (FL)

Peace4Manasota (Manatee, Desoto, Sarasota Counties) (FL)

Peace4Manasota is cultivating responsive and collaborative communities throughout Manatee, Desoto, and Sarasota Counties that foster healing and well-being.


The Longest Table

The Longest Table is a project of Bring It Home FL that invites community members to come together for a conversation about the values we share and how we can work together to transform Florida into the state we want future generations to inherit. Bring It Home FL is a grassroots non-profit organization that empowers everyday people to fight for Florida’s future. Founded by everyday people who were inspired by Andrew Gillum’s historic and inspiring campaign for governor, our supporters are...

ACEs Connection's Inclusion Tool makes sure nobody's left out

We developed ACEs Connection's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Tool — called the Inclusion Tool, for short — to ensure that ACEs initiatives across the world focus on being inclusive when forming a steering committee, recruiting leaders, providing education about ACEs science, recruiting members, or providing resources and services within their communities. The more inclusive your ACEs initiative is, the more diverse it will be, giving your initiative a real shot at achieving equity and...

Early Childhood Court

Senator Book and Rep. Mariano File Bipartisan Bill Paving Way for Early Childhood Courts Tallahassee, Fla. – Senator Lauren Book (D- Plantation) and Representative Amber Mariano (R- Port Richey) have teamed up to file legislation creating a new section of Florida Statutes to support an Early Childhood Court (ECC) program for cases involving children under the age of three. This innovative system is considered a “problem-solving court,” operating with a goal of improving child safety and...

Governor Declares November 1, 2019 as Florida's Trauma Informed Care Day

Thank you Governor DeSantis (and Zack Gibson in the Governor’s Office) for declaring today as Florida’s Trauma Informed Care Day . Many of Florida’s most costly, intractable social problems including our opioid and substance dependency crisis, our sky-rocketing public health costs, tragic school failures, and the multigenerational cycle of families into our criminal justice and child welfare systems, can be decreased by addressing early trauma. Initiatives are taking shape at both the state...

ACEs Science Champions Series: Meet Florida's Johnny Appleseed. She plants seeds of ACEs science!

Dr. Mimi Graham is Florida’s Johnny Appleseed, but instead of planting apple trees, she’s been seeding hundreds of ACEs-science-informed schools, courts, juvenile detention centers, hospitals, childcare centers, home visiting programs, mental health agencies, law enforcement agencies, and drug treatment centers. Graham, who has served as director of the Florida State University Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy in Tallahassee since 1993, focuses on early childhood,...

How do these pediatricians do ACEs screening? Early adopters tell all.

Last week, three pediatricians — with a combined experience of 15 years integrating ACEs science into their practices — reflected on the urgency they felt several years ago that prompted them to begin screening patients for childhood adversity and resilience when there was practically no guidance at all. Along their journey , they accumulated a list of lessons learned for other pediatricians and family clinics to use. The three pediatricians participated in the ACEs Connection webinar,...

Webinar Oct. 17 — Integrating ACEs science in pediatrics: Early adopters share lessons from the field

An ACEs Connection webinar co-sponsored with 4 CA In 2017, California became the first state in the country to pass a law supporting universal screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the 5.3 million children in the state’s Medicaid program. As clinicians around California await the state’s announcement of what this new policy will entail, many are wondering what it takes to integrate ACEs science in a pediatric practice. Meet Drs. Deirdre Bernard-Pearl, R.J. Gillespie and...

When the Cross is On the Table

Susan Traylor says “When they see the cross on the table, they know someone has died.” The ‘they’ she is talking about are the many folks experiencing homelessness in our small community of Tarpon Springs, Florida. A few weeks ago, the cross was on the table for Terry. I knew him by sight but never knew his name. I observed him over the past few years quite often in a state that makes most people not only uncomfortable, but anxious and fearful as he argued with someone only he could see. He...

12 Myths of the Science of ACEs

The two biggest myths about ACEs science are: MYTH #1 — That it’s just about the 10 ACEs in the ACE Study — the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study . It’s about sooooo much more than that. MYTH #2 — And that it’s just about ACEs…adverse childhood experiences. These two myths are intertwined. The ACE Study issued the first of its 70+ publications in 1998, and for many people it was the lightning bolt, the grand “aha” moment, the unexpected doorway into a blazing new...


Thank you to the Barancik Foundation and all the agencies that have put their time and effort into this project! The Here4Youth website is now operational!

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