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Educational Video for Professionals to better understand the Traumas (ACEs) in Adoption


I have just launched a new Video and Recommended Resource suite for professionals - specifically for teachers, mental health, and doctors, who work with or come into contact with intercountry and transracial adoptees.

This video resource brings you our lived experience in our own words, what we want these professionals to understand so they might be a better support and referral system. There hasn't been a resource like this before, a 1 stop shop, to provide these much needed resources to professionals.

There are 5 videos, the first one is introductory for anyone (professional or not) who hasn't had much exposure to understanding the complexities and traumas in intercountry and transracial adoption and is less than 15mins long. The second is for professionals in general. The next 3 are specifically targeted towards Teachers, Doctors, and Counsellors .. as each of those play a crucial role in our life but often have little understanding of intercountry and transracial adoption. Videos 2-5 are all less than 10mins long as we know professionals are time poor with competing priorities.

These videos really help people to understand that intercountry and transracial adoptees live multiple ACEs and at various stages of our adoptive life:
Our first trauma is loss of our in utero mother / relinquishment or primal wound.
The second trauma is loss of our original identity because we get Plenary adopted and have a replacement birth certificate "as if born to" our adoptive parents.
The third trauma is our usually white washed adoptive experience where we have no connection to our racial and cultural identities, compounded if our adoptive families are not educated or aware of how most people experience us, the micro-aggressions, the micro-fictions we live daily.
The fourth trauma is when our adoptive families, agencies, and countries further compound our traumas whereby we live rehoming, abuse, deportation, illegal/illcit adoptions.

Most people have very little understanding of adoption complexities so we have created a series of videos to help raise awareness and hopefully better supports.

Hope you find it useful and please feel welcome to share our message around. Please see
www dot intercountryadopteevoices dot com and go to the link for Video Resource for Professionals.

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