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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesFighting ACEs in Palm Beach County (FL)

Fighting ACEs in Palm Beach County (FL)

A network for professionals, leaders, and community members to collaborate across sectors to prevent and mitigate the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), enhance caregiver and community capacity to effectively address ACEs, and build resilience in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Foster Care Case Numbers Continue to Climb in NC, as Opioid Crisis Affects Families []


By Sarah Ovaska-Few, North Carolina Health News, September 24, 2019

North Carolina could use more people like Lisa Link, as the state grapples with record numbers of children entering and staying in the already stretched foster care system.

Link, an auto broker and owner of a small used-car lot in Charlotte, opted five years ago to become a foster parent after years of helping with family members’ children. She was single, in her early 40s, and wanted to help children coming out of difficult situations in need of a stable and loving home even if temporarily. More than 20 children have been under her care since, some for short stays of a few days or weeks and others for a year or more.

She cherishes being a dependable, caring presence for children who are often coming from chaotic or unpredictable households. She makes sure they get the childhood joys of playing at local parks or experiencing what might be new things such as eating out at a restaurant, a day at the nearby Carowinds amusement park, or going to museums.

[Please click here to read more.]

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