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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Tagged With "Trauma Matters Delaware"

Blog Post

Something to Consider... for the next time you teach or preach on worry

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
As I start to talk with pastors about why ACEs matter and why they should inform themselves and their congregations, I regularly hear something like this: "But why does it matter? What difference should it make in ministry? Can't I simply preach and teach the Bible and leave the results up to God?" By way of answer to these questions, I am starting to put together a training called "10 things that kid with ACEs would like you to know: moving your church toward greater empathy." The following...
Blog Post

The Black Community, COVID-19 & Trauma []

By Latanya West, San Diego Voice, May 15, 2020 In January 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Dr. Nadine Burke Harris as California’s first-ever Surgeon General. An award-winning physician, researcher and advocate, Dr. Burke Harris’ career has been dedicated to serving vulnerable communities and combating the root causes of health disparities. Her work is equally dedicated to changing the way our society responds to one of the most serious, expensive and widespread public health crises of...
Blog Post

The Bodhisattva Response to Coronavirus (

In Buddhist teachings, the bodhisattva is someone who vows to alleviate suffering and bring blessings in every circumstance. A bodhisattva chooses to live with dignity and courage and radiates compassion for all, no matter where they find themselves. Burst out with love. Be a carrier of hope. This is not a metaphor. As bodhisattvas, we are now asked to hold a certain measure of the tragedy of the world and respond with love. The bodhisattva path is in front of us. The beautiful thing is, we...
Blog Post

The Books That Helped Me Transition from Trauma to Triumph: A Book Review Series - "The Power of Now"

Teri Wellbrock ·
The author takes us on a journey into a deep place within us, a place where the truth is known "within every cell of (our) body"; beyond the masks we wear, the criticisms we've cloaked ourselves in, our over-thinker personas, fueled by the old doubts we've absorbed into our beings.
Blog Post

The Coronavirus’s Unique Threat to the South []

Carey Sipp ·
More young people in the South seem to be dying from COVID-19. Why? By Vann R. Newkirk II The Atlantic, April 2, 2020 In a matter of weeks, the coronavirus has gone from a novel, distant threat to an enemy besieging cities and towns across the world. The burden of COVID-19 and the economic upheaval wrought by the measures to contain it feel epochal. Humanity now has a common foe, and we will grow increasingly familiar with its face. Yet plenty of this virus’s aspects remain unknown. The...
Blog Post


Kimberly T Konkel ·
The My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge is a call to action for cities, Tribal Nations, towns, and counties to build and execute robust plans to ensure that all young people—no matter who they are, where they come from, or the...
Blog Post

The Need for Trauma-informed Education During Seminary

Dale Fletcher ·
Don't know how many of you may have watched the new Resilience film on Sunday, April 10 but I did and it brought to my mind several ideas on how to further the work and awareness on the ACES issue. In a previous blog post here, Linda Jacobs appropriately addressed the importance of having trauma-informed churches . Reverend Streets has written a piece about the importance of engaging in trauma-informed ministry . So, I got to thinking that since so many, perhaps all, of the ACEs are trauma...
Blog Post

The Power of a Trauma-Informed Ministry

Phil Schmauss ·
ACE Overcomers: The Center for Resiliency and Trauma-Informed Training The Valley Dream Center of Fresno, California hosted a 2-day training, conducted by ACE Overcomers. 40 individuals gathered for the 2-day training on The Power of a Trauma-Informed Ministry. Most participants were from California's Central Valley, along with attendees from San Diego, Oregon and New Mexico. The primary goal was to increase an understanding of trauma and adverse childhood experiences and introduce a...
Blog Post

The Soulful Journey of Recovery: A Guide to Healing from a Traumatic Past for ACAs, Codependents, or Those with Adverse Childhood Experiences

Mary Beth Colliins ·
A groundbreaking new book from Tian Dayton, PhD, and the publisher of the New York Times bestseller Adult Children of Alcoholics …The book that started it all! T ian Dayton picks up where Janet Woititz author of Adult Children of Alcoholics left off…..for those who have grown up in a family with addiction, mental illness, or other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the heartache and pain doesn’t end when they grow up and leave home. The legacy can last a lifetime and spread to generations...
Blog Post

The Tiny Cell that Connects our Physical and Mental Health, and Solves a Decades-old Mystery of Why Toxic Stress Leads to Brain Changes that Spark Depression, Anxiety

Donna Jackson Nakazawa ·
More than a decade ago, I was diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases, one after another, including Guillain-Barré syndrome , which left me paralyzed twice while raising two young children. All told I spent six years in and out of bed and hospitals, learning, between crises, to use a cane or walker to navigate life as a working-mother-with-chronic-illness. My immune system was repeatedly and mistakenly attacking my body, causing the nerves in my arms, legs, and those I needed to swallow...
Blog Post

Trauma Conference

Clay Rojas ·
Tickets Still available. CEU's TBA. %50 student discount.
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Churches – CMConnect Conference Notes

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
This blog post are notes written by GJ Farmer and taken from a workshop Linda Ranson Jacobs presented for CMConnect Conference in 2015. Early trauma causes disorganized attachment. In early attachments children feel safe. If there are attachment issues, the impulse is fight or flight. Childhood trauma affects children into adulthood. If we want a church of the future, we must become trauma-informed. “Sometimes that angry look, that stare, that inappropriate response, is a cry for help more...
Blog Post

Trauma Informed Congregation Movement in Arizona

Sanghoon Yoo ·
As a social work professional, I was involved in the trauma field twenty years ago. But I became a charismatic nondenominational church pastor, starting a college campus prayer movement. With my cultural heritage and training at an evangelical seminary, the focus of my ministry has been intercession, multi-ethnic discipleship and servant leadership. However, the development of community service involvement with the ministry brought me back to the engagement in my previous professional field.
Blog Post

Trauma Informed Congregation Movement in Arizona

Sanghoon Yoo ·
As a social work professional, I was involved in the trauma field twenty years ago. But I became a charismatic nondenominational church pastor, starting a college campus prayer movement. With my cultural heritage and training at an evangelical seminary, the focus of my ministry has been intercession, multi-ethnic discipleship and servant leadership. However, the development of community service involvement with the ministry brought me back to the engagement in my previous professional field.
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Ministry curriculum, "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks," now available on Amazon as an e-book!

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks is a study on the intersections between the science of adversity in childhood (ACEs), trauma, and ministry. Suitable for individuals exploring how their faith and the science of brain development, toxic stress, and spiritual formation are connected, this study is best explored by small groups that want to being trauma-informed ministry interventions and outreach within their faith communities. This e-book version doesn't have the videos that are part of the...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Ministry study, "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks" now an Amazon ebook!

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks is a study on the intersections between the science of adversity in childhood (ACEs), trauma, and ministry. Suitable for individuals exploring how their faith and the science of brain development, toxic stress, and spiritual formation are connected, this study is best explored by small groups that want to being trauma-informed ministry interventions and outreach within their faith communities. This e-book version doesn't have the videos that are part of the...
Blog Post

Two New Grant Opportunities for Youth Development and Diversion Services

Briana S. Zweifler ·
In 2019, more than $40 million will become available to fund community-based, culturally rooted, trauma-informed services for youth in California as alternatives to arrest and incarceration. Thousands of California youth are arrested every year for low-level offenses. Youth who are arrested or incarcerated for low-level offenses are less likely to graduate high school, more likely to suffer negative health-outcomes, and more likely to have later contact with the justice system.
Blog Post

Understanding Addiction, Trauma and Recovery Conference

Clay Rojas ·
If you want to be part of educating the faith community about Trauma, ACEs, Addiction and Recovery, then please consider attending this dynamic one day conference in Auburn, CA with Dr. Jessica Rodriguez. CEUs available. Please contact Clay Rojas with any questions:
Blog Post

Was Jesus' ministry "trauma-informed?" [part 1]

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
I have written before about a growing trend in education, mental health, social services, and health care that has now extended to ministry settings: becoming trauma-informed . Trauma results when we experience something as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening. A traumatic event, circumstance or series of events leaves a lasting effect on our ability to experience “life to the full” as Jesus intended (John 10:10). Adversity, and particularly traumatic stress in childhood,...
Blog Post

Was Jesus' ministry "trauma-informed?" [part 2]

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Was Jesus’ ministry trauma-informed, part 2: recognizing the signs and symptoms of trauma There is a movement that is beginning to take shape across the country when it comes to ministry settings: becoming trauma-informed . The topic concerns churches that are interested in missional engagement with the culture because there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that if we can break the cycle of adversity in childhood we can help everyone experience “life to the full” as Jesus intended...
Blog Post

Was Jesus' ministry "trauma-informed?" [part 3]: recognizing the signs and symptoms of trauma

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Perhaps you have heard about it by now? There’s a movement spreading across the country when it comes to ministry settings: becoming trauma-informed . The topic concerns churches that are interested in missional engagement with the culture because there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that if we can break the cycle of adversity in childhood we can help everyone experience “life to the full” as Jesus intended (John 10:10). In the first post in the series , I focused only the first...
Blog Post

Was Jesus’ ministry “trauma-informed?” [part 4]: Responding to trauma within the compassionate Kingdom of God

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
There is a movement taking shape across the country when it comes to ministry settings: becoming trauma-informed . I am personally invested in this movement and I am intrigued by the ways I see connections between Jesus’ teachings and trauma-informed ministry principles. In the first post in the series, I focused only the first identifier of a trauma-informed ministry: the realization of the widespread impact of trauma and potential paths for recovery. In the second and third posts, I...
Blog Post

What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
There is a growing trend in education, mental health, social services, and health care: becoming trauma-informed. For those in ministry, “trauma informed” can be a confusing phrase, bringing up images we might not naturally associate with the church and its mission and ministry. Trauma results from something that occurs in a person’s life that is experienced as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening. An event, circumstance or series of events that are traumatic leaves lasting...
Blog Post

When the Cross is On the Table

Robin Saenger ·
Susan Traylor says “When they see the cross on the table, they know someone has died.” The ‘they’ she is talking about are the many folks experiencing homelessness in our small community of Tarpon Springs, Florida. A few weeks ago, the cross was on the table for Terry. I knew him by sight but never knew his name. I observed him over the past few years quite often in a state that makes most people not only uncomfortable, but anxious and fearful as he argued with someone only he could see. He...
Blog Post

Why be "trauma-informed?" - a training for churches by Chaplain Chris Haughee, DMin

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
As I wrap up my doctoral studies, I am excited to see how the concept of becoming “trauma-informed” in ministry is starting to pick up steam across the country. A large part of the credit for furthering that conversation goes to you--my friends and colleagues here on ACEsConnection! It's been humbling to see how our relatively small ministry in Montana has something to add to the conversation. In fact, far from being behind the curve here in Montana, we are on the cutting edge in terms of...
Blog Post

Why Focus on Resilience? 2019 BPT Conference Big Idea Session with Teri Barila

Tara Mah ·
“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in” -Desmond Tutu. This quote captures the essence of why resilience matters. To Community Resilience Initiative, Resilience is not about “lifting yourself up by your bootstraps” or “bouncing back” from serious harm or injury. To us, Resilience is about self-discovery and self-awareness based on what the ACE Study, neurobiology, and epigenetics tell us...
Blog Post

Why you faith community should know about ACEs - from

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
As I begin to share with faith communities throughout Montana why adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) matter and how they can help build more resilient children and healthier communities, I sometimes hear something like this: "But why does it matter? What difference should it make in ministry?” The ACE survey measured the prevalence of ten stress-inducing factors in childhood including abuse, neglect, and substance abuse in the home, and these factors definitely influence ministries...
Blog Post

With VBS coming up, attitudes and conversations can make a difference when you have a rambunctious group of kids

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Summer is here, and recently I’ve been doing my early morning walk on the beach. In our part of the country we have a beach restoration project going on. This project involves ships, pipes 4 feet in diameter, tractors, backhoes, and other equipment needed to dredge the sand off the bottom of the ocean and pump it up onto the beach. It’s quite interesting to watch the sand pour out of those very large pipes onto the beach and then observe the large earthmoving equipment move all the sand...

Re: A New Resource on ACE

Hi Denice, Please share if you've posted your wonderful book you've authored on our Books! group on ACEs Connection. Our ministries have such an excellent platform for helping those in pain with their healing journey. Many blessings to you Denice... In gratitude, Dana

Re: You know I really believe!!!

Heather Fitzpatrick, MPH ·
Thank you so much for sharing this. The issue of ACEs and resilience is something I work on professionally but it's also something deeply personal. We can help those affected by trauma no matter where we walk. Thanks for that reminder! Peace, Heather

Re: Something to Consider... for the next time you teach or preach on worry

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Great analogies. You put it so bluntly. Maybe that's been the missing element in talking to pastors and church leaders about how to minister to those in trauma or those adults have a high ACEs score. Keep these thoughts coming. Much appreciated

Re: Something to Consider... for the next time you teach or preach on worry

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Thanks, Linda. Blunt? Ha ha... Here at Intermountain we teach the children to "be direct" and we try and do the same. "Tell me what you need so I can do my best to help you," "Use your words..." etc. etc. So, while I was always a pretty direct person who didn't shy away from confrontation in ministry, I have shed almost all inhibition when it comes to addressing issues head on! Also, Linda, you know better than I do from your time in ministry, these issues don't go away with niceties. This...

Re: Something to Consider... for the next time you teach or preach on worry

Sandy Goodwick ·
Perhaps it's time for the faith-based community to step back awhile and *listen to* those who sit in their pews (and those who leave). Start by asking those with lived experiences' of emotional distress to share their stories of the memories and events that served as the kindling for later depression, substance abuse and PTSD. Just... LISTEN. Take notes because the ten items on that ACEs list do not comprise the totality of adversities that children experience. Children may be bullied...

Re: Something to Consider... for the next time you teach or preach on worry

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Excellent points, Sandy... just another affirmation of how valuable this online community can be, as your words challenge and fuel me and encourage me at the same time! Vulnerability, TRUE vulnerability, is very hard in spiritual leadership... I have had church members get visibly agitated my times I have dipped my toe in these waters (years ago... pre-ACE Study), because their image (read: idol) of a minister was someone that was a spiritual superhero that didn't bleed... especially not...

Re: Was Jesus' ministry "trauma-informed?" [part 1]

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Chaplain, I love this take. I'm going to be waiting anxiously for the next installment. I've often used Isaiah 61:1 in workshops but now I'm going to incorporate it into my trauma-informed churches workshop. Jesus understood and he had empathy one of the most important traits in dealing with kids in trauma. Thanks so much. Linda

Re: Was Jesus' ministry "trauma-informed?" [part 1]

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Thank you, Linda! Honored that you'd be looking forward to the next installment!

Re: A New Documentary About Breaking the Cycle of Trauma is Launching This Fall!

Robert Olcott ·
Thank You, 'Wrestling Ghosts Team' ! ! !

Re: Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Thank you for such an insightful article. I wish every teacher, child care worker and church leader would read this post. You have explained what is happening in that child's brain very well. Why can't we as a nation figure this out?

Re: Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

Daun Kauffman ·
Thank you so much Linda ! Your concluding question is probably the most important thing we do not "see".... Frustrating. I don't get much response even in the church.... Thanks for your support. It only takes one right message in one right place at the right time ! Peace

Re: Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
I understand about the church issue. I am constantly doing workshops and seminars for children's pastors and for the most part they are clueless. And church family could make such a difference in the lives of these kids. I know because we see this in our DC4K (DivorceCare for Kids) groups. I wish you could be a fly on the wall of a DC4K group. Oh my the healing and changes that take place in these kids in such a short time is amazing. The power of prayer plus the program written to...

Re: Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

James Encinas ·
Great article! Keep up the good work Daun! And know that you are on the right track, as you said all it takes is the right message in the right place at the right time. We must continue putting that message out there! Blessings

Re: Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

Daun Kauffman ·
Thank you James! For more on a very different defense by children dealing with trauma see "Peek Inside a Classroom:Jose" -- "Peek Inside a Classroom" is a 2 part set (So far). It's on ACEsConnection and HERE

Re: Free Resource! A "Trauma Informed" Jelly Bean Easter Poem

Jaime J. Romo, Ed.D. ·
Hi, Chris, One thing jumps out at me about this poem. Black is for shame; white is for grace. I believe that the author and you mean good and no harm, and the association between black and bad/ white and good is so historical and pervasive that I would not use this version of the poem/ story. Racism is pervasive, often unrecognized, and traumatic. Peace, Jaime

Re: Free Resource! A "Trauma Informed" Jelly Bean Easter Poem

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Jaime, great point. Not sure how to mitigate that... The spiritual teaching point would need to be differentiated from any conclusions that could be drawn by the hearers in regards to racial judgment. I probably do this by habit, now, having worked in a multicultural setting for years, but this would not be intuitive for others, and for them your reminder is helpful! Chris

Re: Free Resource! A "Trauma Informed" Jelly Bean Easter Poem

Annie Kitching ·
What a great revision! I needed it just a week earlier to revise the "Jelly Bean Catechism" bags we made this year. Next year, we're on it. The whole "black" and "white" thing is so difficult, because this imagery is everywhere - in art, literature, and Scripture. Thinking about it, it occurs to me that the problem is with labeling PEOPLE "black" or "white". It has always seemed ridiculous to me since no skin color is either black or white.

Re: Free Resource! A "Trauma Informed" Jelly Bean Easter Poem

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
So... given the black jelly bean white jelly bean discussion, I thought Jane's recent post on here was interesting:

Re: Free Resource! A "Trauma Informed" Jelly Bean Easter Poem

Jaime J. Romo, Ed.D. ·
I like the video. I think it's all true and I hope we don't get into a simple either-or way of looking at race and all the history and current conscious and unconscious dynamics that surround it. Yes, labels limit- we are much more than those. And labels privilege others. I see both- and, and simply as adding some thoughtful context around the jellybean poem (and there are other similar apparently innocuous stories, movies, images) could make it richer and even more meaningful. Peace.

Re: Free Resource! A "Trauma Informed" Jelly Bean Easter Poem

Sandy Goodwick ·
How would the Black community react to the sentences that start with Black, and White?
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