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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Tagged With "Observing Mother's Day and Father's Day"

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With VBS coming up, attitudes and conversations can make a difference when you have a rambunctious group of kids

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Summer is here, and recently I’ve been doing my early morning walk on the beach. In our part of the country we have a beach restoration project going on. This project involves ships, pipes 4 feet in diameter, tractors, backhoes, and other equipment needed to dredge the sand off the bottom of the ocean and pump it up onto the beach. It’s quite interesting to watch the sand pour out of those very large pipes onto the beach and then observe the large earthmoving equipment move all the sand...

Re: You know I really believe!!!

Former Member ·
Originally Posted by Tina Marie Hahn, MD: Heather thanks so much for your comment! I really appreciate it but I am truly going beyond a place of this is what happened to me thanks for helping! I use my story to give a valid example of a real life person who shows us clearly that this is an area for those of us with faith should engage! Engagement is soooooo consistent with what folk with faith are charged by God to do??? I know this to be true!!!! I believe I am a boddisatva (a person born...

Re: Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
I understand about the church issue. I am constantly doing workshops and seminars for children's pastors and for the most part they are clueless. And church family could make such a difference in the lives of these kids. I know because we see this in our DC4K (DivorceCare for Kids) groups. I wish you could be a fly on the wall of a DC4K group. Oh my the healing and changes that take place in these kids in such a short time is amazing. The power of prayer plus the program written to...

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Sandy Goodwick ·
The following was in this month's church newsletter. "... "... Many years ago one of my parishioners came to see me because he could not shake a nagging feeling of anxiety and depression. Through the pastoral counseling process I also discovered that he had a heart condition. As I asked him questions to better understand what had happened in his life that could have triggered such physical and emotional symptoms he revealed that his mother had left his family on Christmas Eve as a child. He...

Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon

Dale Fletcher ·
Daun, it seems that my reference to Kauffman, 2016 came from this internet page - It's clear to me now that the complete reference is not included. And I see you may be the referenced author. Do you have an accurate reference source that should be used? And attached is a PPT slide with a completed table of Biblical Principles for Risk Factors.

Re: Trauma can bring about growth []

Dwayne Decker ·
Greetings, Samantha and All! Dwayne, here! Thank you for this insightful post! I spent much of my life suffering from abuses; and then suffering more, from my failed attempts to cope with those realities. But, each time -- from adolescence to the present day (I'm 54, now) -- I have taken the disturbed earth and used it to grow an opportunity. I am a Peer Counsellor... I began this ministry as a teenager, still trying to fathom all that had happened and was happening still; and I reached out...
Blog Post

ACEs Champion Danette Glass says COVID-19 increases the need for trauma-informed communities

Sylvia Paull ·
Glass’s mission has always been to protect and foster the practice of nurturing children. That’s because she herself experienced at least five types of adverse childhood experiences, as measured in the original CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study). If the scale could account for childhood adversity such as structural racism and community violence that’s more likely to occur in communities of color, her burden of ACEs is higher.
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Strengthening Families During Covid-19 []

Chloe Yang ·
Guest Author, 6/17/20, Today’s post is based on an interview with Rev. Darrell Armstrong, pastor of the Shiloh Baptist Church of Trenton, NJ for the past 20 years. He is considered a national leader on issues pertaining to child welfare and family strengthening. Most questions contain links to video excerpts of the original interview. To watch, click the link on the corresponding question. Introduce yourself to our blog readers? My name is Darrell Armstrong. I’m in my...
Blog Post

"A Different Distribution of Power": ACEs, Trauma and Resilience Networks Sharpen Focus on Racial Justice and Equity

Anndee Hochman ·
For the leaders of Sarasota Strong (or "SRQ Strong") Florida, anti-racism work isn’t about inviting people of color to tables long-occupied by white professionals fluent in academic jargon and theories of change. It’s about venturing, with humility and openness, into spaces where Black people worship, work and live. Helen Neal-Ali from SRQ Strong. Photo courtesy of Andrea Blanch. Which is why, before SRQ Strong even had a name or held a formal event, educator/minister Helen Neal-Ali launched...
Blog Post

Help Navigating the Road to Community Resiliency

Becky Haas ·
The first time I ever heard the words trauma-informed care and the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study was in the summer of 2014. At the time, I was working for the local Police Department as the Director of a grant-funded Crime Reduction Project aimed at reducing drug-related and violent crime. Of the many program goals, one was to develop a rehabilitative corrections program for felony offenders with addictions in order to reduce recidivism. Though I’ve lived in this region for...
Blog Post

Donald Trump is the product of abuse and neglect. His story is common, even for the powerful and wealthy.

Jane Stevens ·
“In order to cope,” writes Mary Trump, “Donald began to develop powerful but primitive defenses, marked by an increasing hostility to others and a seeming indifference to his mother’s absence and father’s neglect….In place of [his emotional needs] grew a kind of grievance and behaviors—including bullying, disrespect, and aggressiveness—that served their purpose in the moment but became more problematic over time. With appropriate care and attention, they might have been overcome.”
Blog Post

Trauma-informed policing: Learn how three highly experienced community leaders strengthen ties between police and community

Carey Sipp ·
ACEs initiative participants in communities where there is tension between the community and law enforcement will want to join Becky Haas in a compelling conversation on law enforcement, ACEs science, COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement and protests. Haas is a nationally recognized adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) science initiative builder and trainer. She and colleagues Renee Wilson-Simmons, the head of the ACE Awareness Foundation of Memphis, Tennessee, and Maggi Duncan,...
Blog Post

A Shadow ACE in Christian Babycare

Laura Haynes Collector ·
As a former La Leche League Leader I became familiar with the teachings of Gary Ezzo (“Raising Kids God’s Way,” "On Becoming Babywise") in the early 1990’s. Leaders in my area began getting a lot of phone calls on our warm line that followed the same basic story: a baby not thriving and a case of very low milk supply despite the Mom’s exclusive breastfeeding and a strong desire to breastfeed. It gradually emerged that a local church had begun promoting a rigid rules-based practice of baby...
Blog Post

Does VP Candidate Kamala Harris know about ACEs?  You bet!

Nadine Burke Harris, California’s Surgeon General, has a lot in common with the vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris—Jamaican heritage, surname, home state—and a commitment to addressing ACEs and toxic stress. As reported in the New Yorker article by Paul Tough, “The Poverty Clinic,” Dr. Harris told Kamala Harris, then San Francisco district attorney, about ACEs in 2008 and in response, she offered to help. District Attorney Harris then introduced her to professor of child and...
Blog Post

ACEs Champion: The reintroduction of Michael Hayes — from ACEs awakening to ACEs community service

Sylvia Paull ·
It wasn’t until his fifth prison term in a North Carolina county jail — his fourth conviction for driving under the influence — that Michael Hayes volunteered to take an ACE survey that changed his life. The 48-year-old father of six sons and one daughter had spent a number of years in and out of prison. During his last term, to get some time out of the cell where he spent 16 hours a day, he volunteered to attend a class offered by RHA Health Services, a nonprofit that incorporates the...

Re: Committed: How a 6-Year-Old Revealed Florida's Dysfunctional System of Baker Acting Kids []

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
I live in Florida and I have dealt with teens that have been Baker Acted. I do a ministry for kids of divorce ( at my church. It is ridiculous. If a teen says anything about indicating they don't want to live any longer, they are Baker Acted before even the end of the day. I had one 15 yr old girl tell me one night after our ministry at church that she had slept with her boyfriend and she felt so guilty. She felt she had betrayed her divorced parents. We talked for an hour. Teens...
Blog Post

Hope for Healing: A Mother's Triumph

Teri Wellbrock ·
It's her victory reward for overcoming her addiction. Now celebrating one and a half years sober! Look how far she's come since the first half of 2019! Hospitalized for detox from alcohol, repeated falls requiring hospital and rehab facility stays, threats of suicide, and trying desperately to escape the pain of her childhood trauma.
Blog Post

How One Atlanta Church Impacted Martin Luther King, Jr., the Civil Rights Movement and Incoming Sen. Raphael Warnock (

Formerly enslaved individuals helped found Ebenezer in 1886, and its roots in civil rights activism predate King. His grandfather, A.D. Williams, was the church’s second pastor, and he helped start the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The church’s historian Benjamin Ridgeway tells TIME that King’s father, known as Martin Luther King, Sr., was an early advocate for Black police officers in Atlanta and equal pay for teachers as a pastor at Ebenezer. But Martin Luther King, Jr. helped raise the...
Blog Post

Does Childhood Trauma Affect Our Relationship With God?

Christopher Freeze ·
As I share with you some of the multiple authors’ insights from the journal article, I would like you to think about what you know about physical and emotional abuse and neglect. Then think about how human relationships, especially with a father or father-figure, are affected and see if you agree with the authors’ conclusions when it comes to a person’s worship of, relationship with, or picture of God.
Blog Post

Join Special Guest Father Paul Abernathy for a Zoom Discussion on March 16th, at 7p.m. EST to discuss the Whole People Documentary Series and Trauma-Informed Community Development

Christine Cissy White ·
On behalf of ACEs Connection , the CTIPP (The Campaign for Trauma -Informed Policy & Practice), and the Relentless School Nurse , we want to invite you to the streaming of parts 4 and 5 of the Whole People documentary series on the weekend o f M arch 12th through March 14th, 2021. We will stream both parts on ACEs Connection in the Transforming Trauma with ACEs Sciences Film Festival community. The documentary viewing will be followed by a discussion with special guest, Father Paul...
Blog Post

Reminder: You Can Stream Whole People on ACEs Connection and/or Join Rev. Abernathy for a Zoom Discussion

Christine Cissy White ·
ACEs Connection , the CTIPP (The Campaign for Trauma -Informed Policy & Practice), and the Relentless School Nurse , are co-hosing the Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences Film Festival and Zoom discussion series. These are our next two events and we hope you will join us: 1. Weekend Streaming of Whole People from March 12th - March 14th, 2021): We will be streaming of parts 4 and 5 of the Whole People documentary series on the weekend of M arch 12th through March 14th, 2021 in the...
Blog Post

Letting Go of Baggage (Wounds of Childhood)

Dale Fletcher ·
Today, Dr Charles Stanley, founder of In Touch Ministries , shares a devotional titled Letting Go of Baggage. Although he does not use the term of Adverse Childhood Experiences, he refers to this type of trauma that a person can experience early in life. I'm making the entire devotional available here as it offers a brief biblical perspective of the impact of ACES and how to handle this 'baggage." ------------- HEBREWS 12:1-3 - "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses...
Blog Post

Early Trauma

Jo Spencer · Please take a look at my website. I suffered extreme abandonment trauma and neglect during the first thirteen months of my life due to my father's shell-shock from WWII. He was my primary caretaker as my mother worked as a waitress. I need connection and prayer.
Blog Post

Historical Trauma in the American Midwest Event Recap

Alison Cebulla ·
On September 16, 2021, PACEs Connection hosted our second event in our Historical Trauma in America series . This event was led by Ingrid Cockhren, the director of the PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities; and Porter Jennings-McGarity, our community facilitator of the Midwest Region. It featured guest speaker Agnes Woodward who is Plains Cree from Kawacatoose First Nation, Saskatchewan, Canada. To download the slide deck from this presentation, click here. Then click "download file".
Blog Post

My positive childhood experiences tree

Carey Sipp ·
This is the third of three stunning illustrations showing how PACEs (positive and adverse childhood experiences) affected the family of Cendie Stanford, graphic artist and founder of the nonprofit ACEs Matter. This one looks at her positive childhood experiences. The day before her 16th birthday, Cendie Stanford’s older brother was shot and killed by a young man who, just two years earlier, had been her boyfriend. “I was heartbroken that two people I loved were out of my life forever,” says...
Blog Post

Tune in March 3 for new PACEs Connection podcast—History. Culture. Trauma. — with guest Agnes Woodward

Carey Sipp ·
Hosted by PACES Connection CEO Ingrid Cockhren In consideration of Women's History month, the entire month of March will be dedicated to the women creating a legacy in the worldwide PACEs movement. In this episode, we will talk with Agnes Woodward. Agnes is using her knowledge of historical trauma and the healing power of the arts to raise awareness of the adversity indigenous women face and how they can also heal themselves, their families and future generations. About Agnes Woodward:...
Blog Post

Seven years of sex abuse: How Mormon officials let it happen []

By Michael Rezendes, Photo: Dario Lopez-Mills/AP Photo, Associated Press News, August 4, 2022 MJ was a tiny, black-haired girl, just 5 years old, when her father admitted to his bishop that he was sexually abusing her. The father, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and an admitted pornography addict, was in counseling with his bishop when he revealed the abuse. The bishop, who was also a family physician, followed church policy and called what church officials have...
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Care for the Soul

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Strengthening the wounded soul can improve psychological and physical wellbeing and help to complete the recovery process. Although ACEs, understandably, can numb feelings, including spiritual feelings, once healing has progressed, spiritual feelings can often be successfully cultivated.
Blog Post

PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities Presents: The Intersection of Faith, Healing, and PACES Science

Mathew Portell ·
PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities is proud to present the “Intersection of Faith, Healing, and PACEs Science” webinar January 19, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM CST ! This webinar will explore how the application of PACEs science can invoke healing and mitigate harm in faith-based communities. This is a free event, but donations for participation are being accepted. Mathew Portell, PACEs Connection director of communities, will lead a panel of experts to discuss how traditional...
Blog Post

North Carolina moves closer to creating nation's first ACEs-informed courts system

Carey Sipp ·
(l-r) Judge J. Corpening; Ben David, district attorney, New Hanover County; Chief Justice Paul Newby; Judge Andrew Heath, executive director, Administrative Office of the Courts of the Chief Justice's ACEs Informed Courts Task Force. David and Heath serve as Task Force co-chairs . “There is not any more important work going on in the State of North Carolina,” said Ben David, District Attorney for New Hanover County and co-chair of the Chief Justice’s ACEs-Informed Task Force . The Task force...
Blog Post

How much would the NAS poverty reduction packages reduce referrals to CPS and foster care placements? Would they reduce racial disproportionality in child welfare? (

Carey Sipp ·
Because of a collaboration with Columbia University and UW-Madison, we have answers to these questions. By Peter Peter Pecora, Casey Family Programs, March 17, 2023 - Overview The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recently released a “ roadmap ” to reduce child poverty by as much as half through the implementation of a series of social policy packages. The aim of this study was to simulate the reductions in Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement and foster care placements that are...
Blog Post

Drug Addiction and ACEs: A Journey Through the Gates of Hell to Redemption

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Attachment disruptions and other hidden wounds from ACEs can render one more vulnerable to drug addiction. Genuine, mature love from others, and for oneself, can change the course of one's life. A recent book highlights the path from childhood trauma to addiction to recovery.
Blog Post

A Letter to Kyle

Neha Khanna ·
To mark the anniversary of the passage of the landmark legislation of the Georgia Mental Health Parity Act, we are sharing a letter written a year ago by Roland Behm, Co-founder of the Georgia Mental Health Policy Partnership, Board Member and Former Board Chair, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Georgia Chapter. The letter is to his son, Kyle, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2010 as a junior in college and died by suicide in August 2019.
Blog Post

“Going Way Upstream” - Panelists at Resilient Pender County Conference report on current trauma prevention and healing efforts; look to future

Amy Read ·
Amy Read of Coastal Horizons introduces the panel following a viewing of "Resilience: The Biology of Stress, The Science of Hope", at the Pender Resiliency Task Force Mini Conference Thursday, June 8 ,at Heide Trask High School in Rocky Point. A "dream team" of subject-matter expert panelists (L-R) were Ryan Estes of Coastal Horizons, Ben David, district attorney for Pender and New Hanover counties, Judge J. H. Corpening, district court judge for New Hanover and Pender counties, Taylor...
Blog Post

Rising from the Ashes of Childhood Brutality

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Country music artist Allen Karl (Sterner) endured unspeakable childhood cruelty and chaos, yet turned into a caring, competent adult. His story provides many useful insights that can help and inspire others who have endured multiple ACEs.
Blog Post

Alliance with Black Churches Closes Care Gaps for Aging People []

Carey Sipp ·
AC Care Alliance care navigator Nikki High, left, visits with a client family at her home in Gardena, California. Photo: Harrison Hill By Heather Stringer, California Health Care Foundation, August 25, 2023 Leslie Arnold’s 87-year-old mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 10 years ago, and caring for her has become increasingly difficult as the disease has progressed. Sometimes his mother is resistant to changing out of soiled clothes or going to bed, and she stays up reorganizing...
Blog Post

Empathy: Can It Make The Difference?

Deborah McNelis M.Ed ·
Emotion has an enormous impact on imprinting memory in our brains. I had an experience when I was 6 years old that included emotion and I have the memory of it all of these many years later. It was a 6 year old birthday sleepover party. There were 7 girls invited that lived near each other and played together most days. A girl new to the neighborhood was invited only due to the requirement of the birthday girl’s mother. I was also invited. I lived a block away but did play with these girls...
Blog Post

Building Resilience is a Team Effort that Starts Early

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
“YES!” was the response of Gaile Osborne, executive director of Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina (FFANC), when asked for input on a new program to help foster and kinship care families learn how to support the brain development of young children. “I love these Brain Insights materials. How soon can we start?” said Osborne upon receiving the "The First 60 Days ” booklet on myths about newborns and their caregivers and the eight “ Neuro-Nurturing ” ringed books. The materials delivered...
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Educate your communities to Stop CSA.

Sajjad Ahmed ·
Husnain, 8, was trapped in the mosque by the religious teacher, and the matter was reported to Children Lifeline Trust by a citizen residing on the same street as the mosque. During the investigation, it was determined that the child had followed his elder brother to the mosque to offer the Friday prayer, and when the Friday prayer was completed, the religious teacher caught him and handed him some chocolates, so he could stay in the mosque and he can try his plan to abuse the 8-year-old...
Blog Post

Gifting Yourself Peace after Childhood Adversity: After Painful Memories Are Confronted, Healing Continues

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Wounds of the heart may persist after troubling memories from childhood adversity have been rewired. Fortunately, pain from childhood adversities can spur us to create a peaceful heart of forgiving, kindness, calm, and purpose.
Blog Post

This mom perfectly explains what being gay is to her 4-year-old (

Sweet little Ellie Photo: Screenshot/TikTok To read more of Bil Browning's article, please click here. Meredith York Carter’s TikTok video has gone viral with millions of views and tens of thousands of comments. Users are celebrating her simple explanation about what it means to be gay to her four-year-old daughter, Ellie. As one user replied, “Every parent who says, ‘How do you explain this to a child’ needs to watch this video.” Mom captioned the video with the phrase, “The mind of a...
Blog Post

20 families rejected a baby with Down Syndrome until a single gay man adopted her (

Photo: Screenshots To read more of Bil Browning's article, please click here. Italian Luca Trapanese, a gay Catholic single father, is also a hero – at least to his daughter, Alba. Trapanese adopted Alba, who has Down syndrome, after her mother abandoned her and 20 other families rejected her. Trapanese and his partner spoke often about adopting a child with disabilities, but after they broke up, he faced even more difficulties with the Italian legal system. At the time, single parents...
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