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Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity Task Force Social media and engagement package Call for comments

Please help us engage people in the critical conversation about mental health and substance use disorder parity.

President Obama created the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity Task Force in March 2016 to focus key federal agencies on ensuring that Americans receive the coverage and treatment they need. The Task Force wants to hear from patients, families, consumer advocates, health care providers, insurers, and other stakeholders about their experience with mental health and substance use disorder parity requirements.

The task force requests your help to encourage people to share their experiences and ideas. Because your organization communicates with people from whom we would like to collect comments, you are in an excellent position to help get this message to the right audiences.

We put together a social media package to help spread the word. This social media package includes:

We hope that you will:

  1. Distribute this material to the best of your ability via your social media and other channels.
  2. Forward this package to your member organizations and other stakeholders if you are an umbrella organization.

The Task Force appreciates your cooperation.

 Email/newsletter/website announcement

[SUBJECT LINE]: Public Comment: Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Parity

[ALT SUBJECT LINE]: Are mental health, substance use disorder, and physical health benefits treated equally?

Less than half of Americans know that there is a law providing consumer protections specifically for mental health and substance use disorder insurance benefits. Over 41 million adults in the U.S. have some form of mental illness, yet in 2014, only 19.4 million adults received mental health care. In the same year, approximately 22.5 million people aged 12 or older in the U.S. had substance use disorder, but only 2.6 million people received treatment at a specialty facility.1

President Obama created the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity Task Force to ensure that Americans understand parity protections and receive the mental health and substance use disorder insurance coverage and treatment they need. After a long history of mental health and substance use disorders being treated differently by health plans – with more limited benefits – parity protections are meant to ensure fairness and that mental health and substance use disorder benefits are comparable to other medical benefits.

So what does mental health and substance use disorder parity mean for you? It means that insurers need to treat copayments, treatment limits, and prior authorization for mental health, substance use disorder, the same way they treat them for physical health care.

Tell us what you think!

The Task Force wants to hear from patients, families, consumer advocates, health care providers, insurers, and other stakeholders on their experience with mental health and substance use disorder insurance parity.

[Call-to-action button text] Comment on parity [link]  

1Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality.

Alternate email/newsletter/website announcement

 [SUBJECT LINE]: Your Opinion Matters: Comment on Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Parity

[ALT SUBJECT LINE]: Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Parity: Are we there yet?

Mental health and substance use disorder treatment are part of comprehensive medical care. About half of all Americans will meet criteria for mental illness at some point in their lives, and more than half of Americans know someone in treatment for substance use disorder. Yet, approximately half of all Americans are not aware of the protections in place to guarantee equal insurance coverage for mental health, substance use disorder, and physical health care benefits.1


Mental health and substance use disorder parity means that insurance benefits for mental health care and substance use disorder treatment must be comparable to physical health benefits.

Tell us what you think!

The Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity Task Force wants to hear about your experience with mental health and substance use disorder treatment services. How have parity protections affected you and what are your suggestions for improving awareness of parity protections and monitoring of health plans’ compliance with parity?

[Call-to-action button text] Comment on parity [link]

1Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality.




Content for #MentalHealthMonday focus on July 25

If you cannot post this content on Monday, July 25, please do so on Monday, August 1 or Monday, August 8 so we can gain momentum from the existing #MentalHealthMonday conversation.

Please include #parity in all of your Tweets and Facebook posts as shown below. Please do not edit the links, as they have tracking embedded. This will help us measure the impact of our engagement efforts.

Post time (EDT)



9am – 12pm

This #MentalHealthMonday, let's discuss mental health & substance use disorder #parity.


#Parity means comparable coverage for mental health, substance use disorder, & physical health care #StopTheStigma


.@Potus created a task force to raise awareness of #MentalHealth & #SubstanceUse disorder coverage   #parity


What does #MentalHealth & #SubstanceUse disorder parity mean to you? Tell the #parity task force:

#Parity means insurers that offer #MentalHealth and #SubstanceAbuse benefits are legally required to provide comparable coverage for mental health, substance use disorder, and medical/surgical care. Learn more:


@POTUS created The Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder #Parity Task Force to increase awareness of the protections for #MentalHealth and #SubstanceAbuse coverage, improve understanding of the parity requirements, and increase transparency around compliance. Learn more:

12pm – 3pm

Why is #parity important? Because #MentalHealthMatters.


The #parity task force wants to hear from you. Share your thoughts for #MentalHealthMonday:

The #parity law aims to #StopTheStigma towards mental health and substance use disorder treatment. Check out this brochure from @SAMHSA to learn more:


3pm – 6pm

The task force wants you to understand the insurance protections offered by #parity, because #MentalHealthMatters


The task force wants you to understand the #SubstanceUse disorder insurance protections offered by #parity:


Help spread the word about #parity! Tell us how you'd promote/explain #MentalHealth & #SubstanceAbuse parity:

This #MentalHealthMonday, tell the task force about your experience with mental health & substance use disorder #parity:

6pm – 9pm

#Parity requires insurers to offer comparable coverage for #MentalHealth, #SubstanceUse disorder & physical health.


Content for month-long social media campaign

Please include #parity in all of your Tweets and Facebook posts as shown below. Please do not edit the links, as they have tracking embedded. This will help us measure the impact of our engagement efforts.

Post date




26 – 31

Do you know your #MentalHealthCare rights? Check out this #parity brochure from @SAMHSA:

Do you know your #SubstanceAbuse treatment rights?     Check out this #parity brochure from @SAMHSA:

What does #MentalHealth #parity mean to you? Share your thoughts with the task force:  

What does #SubstanceUse disorder #parity mean to you? Share your thoughts with the task force:

Get the facts about #MentalHealth & #SubstanceAbuse #parity:

Patients, has #MentalHealthReform achieved comparable coverage for mental & physical health?  #parity

Patients, has #parity achieved comparable coverage for #SubstanceUse disorder treatment & physical health care?  

Do you know what #mentalillnessfeelslike? If so, we want to hear from you! Comment on #parity here:

#MentalHealth patients, families, advocates, providers & insurers: share your experience with insurance #parity 

#SubstanceAbuse patients, families, advocates, providers & insurers: share your experience with insurance #parity

24.2 million U.S. adults with #Mentalillness didn't get treatment in 2014. The purpose of #parity is fairness in coverage for mental health and substance use disorder:

19.9 million people in the U.S. (over age 12) with substance use disorder didn’t get treatment at a specialty facility in 2014. The purpose of #parity is comparable coverage for substance use disorder:

The #MentalHealth and #SubstanceUse Disorder Parity Task Force wants to hear from you! Please share your experience with #parity through this comment form:

Has #parity improved your access to #MentalHealth services & #SubstanceUse disorder treatment? Tells us how:

What does #parity mean for you? It means that coverage for #MentalHealth, #SubstanceAbuse, and medical/surgical care must be comparable. This includes:

1. Copays

2. Deductibles

3. Limits on outpatient care

4. Prior authorization requirements

Learn more:

Patients, families, advocates, providers, & insurers: give us your feedback about #MentalHealth & #SubstanceUse disorder #parity:




Post date



Aug 1 - 7

 Caring for someone with a #mentalillness? Tell us how #parity has affected treatment & care options:  

Caring for someone with #SubstanceUse disorder? Tell us how #parity has affected treatment & care options:  

How would you explain #MentalHealthCare parity? Help us educate people & improve understanding of #parity:  

How would you explain #SubstanceUse disorder parity? Help us educate people & improve understanding of #parity:

24.2 mil U.S. adults w/ #Mentalillness didn't get mental health services in 2014. #Parity is about fair coverage


19.9 mil people in the U.S. (over 12) w/ substance use disorder didn’t get treatment at a specialty facility in 2014


Advocates, please tell us your experience with #MentalHealthReform. Have we achieved #parity?  

Advocates, please tell us your experience with #SubstanceUse disorder benefits. Have we achieved #parity?  

#MentalHealth advocates, what resources would be most helpful to explain #parity? Tell us:  

#SubstanceUse disorder advocates, what resources would be most helpful to explain #parity? Tell us:

Help us spread the word about #MentalHealthCare & #SubstanceUse disorder parity! Tell us how you would explain #parity to your friends and family:

Caring for someone with a #mentalillness or #SubstanceUse disorder? Tell us how the #parity law has affected your ability to get them the treatment and services they need:  

Tell the task force about your favorite resources for explaining #MentalHealth & #SubstanceUse disorder parity:  

Are you a mental health advocate? Do you think #MentalHealthReform has achieved #parity? We want to hear from you:  

Are you a #SubstanceAbuse treatment advocate? Do you think #parity has achieved comparable access to care? We want to hear from you:   




Post date



Aug 8 - 13

<50% of Americans know about #parity–help your employees understand their right to comparable #BehavioralHealth care  

How has #parity affected your insurance selection? Do your employees have better #MentalHealthCare now? Tell us:  

Has #parity affected your company's insurance? Do employees have better #SubstanceAbuse treatment benefits now?  

The #parity comments form closes next week. Share your thoughts with the task force now:

#MentalHealth & #SubstanceUse disorder #parity-it's the law. Ensure your plans comply. Learn more:  

How do you ensure your plans comply with #MentalHealthCare #parity laws? Tell the task force:  

How do you ensure your plans comply with #SubstanceUse disorder #parity laws? Tell the task force:

Do your employees understand their #MentalHealth benefits? Educate them about #parity:  

Do your employees understand their #SubstanceUse disorder benefits? Educate them about #parity:  

The #parity comments form closes next week. Don't miss this opportunity to share your thoughts with the task force:  

How do you ensure your insurance plans comply with #MentalHealth and #SubstanceUse disorder #parity requirements?

Content for close of campaign

Please include #parity in all of your Tweets and Facebook posts as shown below. Please do not edit the links, as they have tracking embedded. This will help us measure the impact of our engagement efforts.

Post date



Aug 14

Did you comment on #parity yet? The comments form closes tomorrow, so share your thoughts now:  

Last chance to share your thoughts with the #parity task force! The comments form closes tomorrow.

Last chance to share your thoughts with the #parity task force! The comments form closes tomorrow.

Last day: August 15

Post time (EDT)



9am – 12pm

Today is the last day to share your thoughts with the #parity task force: #MentalHealthMonday

Today is the last day to share your thoughts with the #parity task force: #MentalHealthMonday

12pm – 3pm

The #parity task force wants to hear from you. Share your thoughts for #MentalHealthMonday:

How has #parity affected you? #MentalHealthMonday

3pm – 6pm

What does #MentalHealth & #SubstanceAbuse insurance #parity mean to you? Last chance to tell the task force:




Original Post
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