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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Linear draft plan



Here's the draft version of the Trauma-Informed Congregations Community of Practice Linear Plan that Kimberly put together. You obviously can't read this screen-grab image, so open the document (the pdf is below), and add your feedback in the comments section below. 


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This paragraph that's the Mission Statement:

Build capacity of faith leaders in the community to address issues of trauma. Creating trauma-informed congregations that are able to address the co-occurring epidemics for violence, untreated mental illness, suicide, and addiction in their communities through engagement of the faith community and health ministers.


I suggest this for the second sentence: Creating trauma-informed congregations that are able to address the consequences of adverse childhood experiences -- which include violence, being a victim of violence, mental illness, addiction and chronic illness -- in their communities through engagement of the members of the faith community. 


Recovery is expected and possible... What I typed above is again more prevention but recovery for kids currently experiencing ACEs and for their Parents can be greatly enhanced by compassionate, trauma informed understanding by people of faith and faith leaders... This notion also goes there under recovery ....
Last edited by Former Member

When this is finalized, there may be an opportunity for collaboration with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion of Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities-which is a National Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Research (NIDILR). I just got an item from them entitled: "Recovering Liberty:Welcoming Congregations and Supporting Religious Participation/March 2015"

My suggestions to the linear plan from Kimberly for tomorrows discussion from our most recent email:


A. Under mission and Values:


  • Create trauma-informed congregations that are able to address the co-occurring epidemics of Violence Against Children (ACEs)adult violence, untreated mental illness... etc....


  • Prevention as Young as Possible  (There needs to be a statement here somewhere as to preventing ACEs --- it needs to be specific.... such as our values are to protect the rights of children to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  We do not seem to be addressing adversity in childhood which IS the root of most of the issues we are facing and trying to address).  
  •  Recovery is expected and possible By fostering resilience in children by understanding that we can be the resilience factor they may be lacking i.e. an adult mentor or just a neighbor that cares..... We as faith members and leaders can give children the empathy, love, and compassion that they may not be getting in their family of origin because of parental substance abuse, mental illness or general disregard and neglect.. This is very important to remember. IE adults can support youth so youth can circumvent ACEs.  Remember resilience studies show that just one caring adult is a factor that can greatly mitigate aces in a child who otherwise may have no caring adult in their life.   

B. Strategic Objectives:


  • We as members of the faith based community CARE FOR PEOPLE AFFECTED BY 1. ACES (adversity in childhood -- the rest violent crime, domestic violence, Gender based violence (an ace), suicide, mental illness are all the RESULT OF ADVERSITY IN CHILDHOOD.  We need to go to the root the objective should be to prevent not care for AFTER THE FACT.  ACES are the base problem. to be most effective we must address root causes!!! 

Improve recovery and resilience (not only improve mental health literacy but first and for most we must improve ACES literacy -- then and only then should we go to the next step of improving mental health literacy (both are important but improving ACES literacy is crucial....


Mental illness is primarily determined by ACEs we CANNOT improve mental health literacy without a full and complete knowledge of ACEs, Toxic Stress, Epigenetics and the Neurobiology of ACEs and toxic stress). 




Be a part of the solution. Mentor and support children suffering from or at risk of suffering from ACES and toxic stress (this not only promotes Recovery but the goal is to prevent damage in the first place so there is less recovery to have to promote.  We will be overwhelmed if we do not prevent aces --- It is the Base the foundation to build a strong foundation).  


Also reduce mental health stigma.... most mental health issues are a result of un-prevented aces... understanding this makes reducing mental health stigma easier.... 


mental health problems are primarily a result of traumatized children who grow up and who experience symptoms related to the trauma. NORMAL SYMPTOMS THAT Did not need to exist IF WE PREVENTED ACES and make ACES prevention the main focus....


Everything else is important too but not nearly as much as PREVENTION...


To evaluate progress.... follow Janes road map to resilience it can be edited for faith communities... but 1. Understand the science of ACEs and toxic stress... Develop leadership teams.... educate.. educate... educate... reassess education... and re-educate as needed.. 



Thanks sorry this is in weird type... I couldn't figure out how to change back and forth.






Last edited by Former Member
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