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πŸ’— Get A FREE Copy of My NEW Book - It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD


Hi Everyone!

The good news is after seven years, with a five-year break (AKA stall-out), I have finally finished my new book and have titled it:

     It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol:
          It's About Healing Complex PTSD

Although my book won't be available to the general public until its launch date on Feb 21st, 2023, I am offering FREE advance reader copies to a limited amount of people this week. Below is a summary of what my book's about and how to qualify to get a free copy this week.

PACES Bookcover

What’s My Book About?
Below is the text from the back cover.
Your Struggle With Food, Weight,
or Substances Is Not Your Fault

It's A Normal Response To Surviving
An Abnormal Childhood

Even though Mary was in long-term recovery with food, severe obesity, drugs, and alcohol and had what most people would consider a successful lifeβ€” behind closed doors, she still struggled and wondered…

  • Why she had so few close friends and had difficulty finding a fulfilling, romantic relationship
  • Why she still struggled with food, sleep, and caffeine
  • Why she couldn't find the flow and passion she longed for in her career
  • Why, even though she was in long-term recovery with food and substances and had maintained a healthy weight for several decades, she felt the need to hide these parts of her past from others

Finally, in mid-life, she discovered the root cause driving these, and her past struggles with food, obesity, and substances was a condition known as Complex PTSD (C-PTSD)β€”a more severe form of PTSD that developed from her being raised in a chaotic alcoholic home. This discovery sent Mary on a five-year journey where she researched leading experts in the fields of C-PTSD, neuroscience, developmental psychology, adverse childhood experiences, and addiction medicine to find the most effective treatments for optimal healing.

Join Mary as she experiences one mind-blowing revelation after another
as she learns that C-PTSD was operating behind the scenes
sabotaging her weight, recovery, relationships, career,
and health, and learn what she did to heal

Witness Mary go from believing she was weak, a failure, hopeless, and unworthy due to her struggle with food, weight, substances, and relationships, to finally ending these battles by healing the trauma driving them. Discover how she found compassion for what happened to her, released the shame over how she coped, and learned to accept herself just as she is. Learn how healing trauma opened the door for her to forge healthy relationships and finally find her purpose in helping fellow survivors heal and thrive.

In This Blending of Memoir, Science-Based Research &
Practical Healing Guide, You'll Learn

  • You're not alone; you're not bad or defective; it's not your fault, your symptoms are normal, and you can heal.
  • Children can develop as much trauma being raised by parents who chronically fight, are emotionally invalidating, are addicted, anxious, depressed, or who divorce as those who were sexually or physically abused.
  • C-PTSD is relational trauma, making relationships with spouses, family, and friends difficult & how to heal.
  • Why talk therapy, spirituality, 12-step & personal growth programs can't completely heal trauma & what can.
  • How bullying, homophobia, and shame-based religion can cause significant trauma, and how to heal.
  • How Mary turned her pain into purpose, helping fellow survivors heal, and how you can too.

End Your Struggle By Healing The Root Cause With Step-By-Step, Compassionate Guidance

  • Receive safe, practical guidance to heal, recover and thrive through quizzes, worksheets and questionnaires.
  • Access a 36-item menu of evidence-based, trauma-informed therapies and recovery resources that have proven effective for Mary in healing from C-PTSD and achieving long-term recovery with substances, food, obesity, and codependency.

Want To Get A FREE Copy of My Book This Week?  
Join My Book Launch Team!

It takes a village to pull off a successful book launch.  Therefore, if you want to contribute to preventing and healing trauma and addiction, join my team to help me launch my new book.  

  • What you will receive: A FREE advanced reader PDF copy of my book, along with knowing you are contributing to preventing and healing trauma and addiction by becoming more aware of how it develops and how to heal.
  • What’s expected from members of my book launch team?  It depends on what level you want to participate in.  See the below levels.

Book Launch Team Participation Levels

A. The minimum expectation of being on my book launch team:

  1. Read the free digital copy of the book &
  2. Leave a review on on the 2-21-23 launch day

B.  For those who want to take their support to the next level:

  1. Buy the paperback or Kindle version of the book on on the launch day (you still get the free pdf version upon launch team sign-up)
  2. Leave a review on on the 2-21-23 launch day
  3. Optional: Use your social media to promote the book and/or contact people you know (podcasters, media, influencers, groups, businesses who will share their email list or do an email blast, etc.) to promote the book or connect Mary with them for an interview, etc.

Please email me at no later than

this Friday, the 6th, if you would like a FREE copy of my book

and whether you want to be on the A or B book launch team.

As soon as I hear from you and what team (A or B) you would like to be on, I will send you your free PDF copy of the book.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email.  I also want to thank all of you for your continued support in helping to prevent and heal trauma and addiction by supporting me and my work.
I look forward to hearing from you!
With Gratitude,

Mary Giuliani

Mary Giuliani
Trauma Healing & Recovery Life Coach Community Manager Rainbow Resilience Community For LGBTQ+ Survivors

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