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California PACEs Action

FUTURES on the Frontlines for Survivors, Families - and You []


From FUTURES Without Violence, April 2020

The FUTURES policy team in Washington D.C. helped secure direct support for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and for  children who experience trauma and abuse, and for the nonprofit advocates who support them, including:

  •  $45 million in Family Violence Prevention and Services grants that prevent and respond to family and domestic violence, and
  • $2 million for the National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • $45 million in Child Welfare Services, for grants to states to support child welfare needs, and to help keep families together during this crisis
  • $750 million for grants to all Head Start programs to help them support additional needs of children and families, including lost learning time during this crisis.

FUTURES also worked to ensure that local domestic violence and community-based agencies were made eligible for small business loans and grants to help address the economic impacts of the pandemic.

You will find information about the CARES Act and Support for Working Families here.

[Please click here for a list of resources.]

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