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Navigating the Stress & Stigma of a Parent's Substance use


A 6-week virtual empowerment program for Canadians who have been impacted by the stress and stigma related to a parent's substance use.

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If you live in Canada and have been affected by the stress and/or stigma related to a parent's substance use such as opioids or alcohol this peer group is for you!

In this 6-week program, peers and guests will lead the group through the Forward with Hope Guide, a 100-page guide specific to impacted individuals full of empowering stories and practical information.

DISCLAIMER: These gatherings are only for people with lived experience and not professionals looking to better understand these experiences. Please email for professional workshop/ training opportunities. In order to maintain the privacy of participating individuals, sessions also will not be recorded.


Q: What if I, myself, have struggled or continue to struggle with my own substance use. Can I still join?

A: Of course!!! So have some of us. Our hope is to support you on your wellness journey, empower you to cope with stress in healthier ways, and ultimately, to support you to use your strength and resilience to heal from the effects of any past stress

Although we do ask that we maintain a sober space (substance-free) during these sessions.

Q: Do I need to purchase anything for these sessions?

A: Definitely not! However, the gathering is based on our Forward with Hope Guide, which you can download for FREE via our website, but we would love to mail you a hard copy (along with other tools that can be useful on this journey together). All you have to do is pay $10 for shipping, but if you can't pay, that will NOT be a barrier!

Q: Do I have to show my face, talk, or share my real name on zoom?

A: Definitely not! Please show up in any way that makes you comfortable. We know that joining a new group can be super scary. However, as peers, we want to remind you that we have all experienced the stress and stigma of a parent's substance use and although our experiences vary, there is no shame and you are not alone.

Q: You can’t take away my parent's substance use, the trauma they had or continue to have, or the trauma I have. What’s the point of joining this then?

A:  We get it and have felt the exact same way (still do sometimes, to be honest). Many of us have met so many barriers when trying to get mental health support from people who don’t get it. Our goal is to help you know you are NOT alone AND help you cope with the experiences you have in healthy ways. Come and check it out, if you decide it is not for you, you can leave at any time.

To ensure this program is BARRIER FREE, the cost is $20  and includes the program, as well as the cost of a hardcopy of the peer guide, journal, and other materials as well as shipping within Canada, and includes meeting dates on July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4 and 11 (sorry, no refunds available).

If you are OUTSIDE of Canada, please email to inquire about additional shipping costs.

Find the PDF for the Forward guide at

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