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PACEs in Early Childhood

Tagged With "NeuroLogic"

Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Classrooms: Calming Corners

Alexandra Murtaugh ·
In our trauma-informed classrooms blog post last week, we talked about choices. We mentioned the benefit of having a space in the room where a child can go to help them calm down and become regulated. While this has become increasingly common at the elementary level, we have found that this is a tool that can work for students of all ages. Even when we survey adults about the things that help them to calm down when they are upset, one of the most common answers we hear is that they want time...

Re: Trauma-Informed Classrooms: Calming Corners

Jody McVittie ·
You can get a lesson plan for setting up calm down zones or "positive time out areas" in the Positive Discipline in the School and Classroom Manual. Available at There are lots of other trauma informed SEL lessons in the manual as well.
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