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Holocaust Center: Meet the Author Series Event Featuring Dr. Danny M. Cohen


Join us for this live, online virtual event featuring  Dr. Danny M. Cohen discussing his book:

TRAIN: A novel inspired by hidden Holocaust history by Danny M. Cohen

Holocaust scholar Danny M. Cohen didn’t set out to write a historical novel. At this meet-the-author online event, Danny will answer questions and talk about why and how he wrote TRAIN, a thriller, set in 1943, that gives voice to the unheard victims of Nazism — the Roma, the disabled, homosexuals, intermarried Jews, and political enemies of the Nazi regime.

TRAIN was selected as the inaugural text of the ‘Museum Teacher Fellowship’ bookclub of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

If you would like to read the book prior to the event, TRAIN is available in paperback and on Kindle:

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About our Speaker

Dr. Danny M. Cohen is the Founder and Interim Executive Director of Unsilence. He is a learning scientist, a fiction writer, and a human rights artist with a passion for innovative design.

A Charles Deering McCormick Distinguished Professor of Instruction at Northwestern University’s School of Education and Social Policy and The Crown Family Center for Jewish & Israel Studies, Danny teaches about collective memories of atrocity, the design of Holocaust education, and marginalized narratives of human rights.

Danny is an author of human rights fiction for young adults. His published works include the choose-your-own-pathway mystery The 19th Window and the historical novel Train, a Teacher Fellows selected text of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

A governor-appointed member of the Illinois Holocaust and Genocide Commission, Danny sits on the editorial advisory board of the journal The Holocaust in History and Memory. He was a Faculty Fellow of the Auschwitz Jewish Center and he designed the pedagogical track of the inaugural docent training program of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center.

Originally from London, Danny lives in Chicago with his husband and their daughter. He’s also a singer in the folk-rock band They Won’t Win.

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