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I didn't know ACEs Connection did that!?!?! Our network, in a nutshell!


By Jane Stevens (ACES Connection Staff)

One person asked me recently if ACEs Connection does anything besides distribute news about ACEs science and trauma-informed/resilience-building practices based on ACEs science. Another was surprised that it’s a social network with more than 35,000 members (and growing). And I’d guess that most of those members have no idea that we support more than 300 local ACEs initiatives (and growing).

ACEs Connection reminds me of the elephant in the parable that originated in India about the blind men and that wonderful beast. Each blind man touches a different part of the elephant and attempts to describe it based on that one part. One says it’s a thick snake (trunk), another a wall (side), another a rope (tail).

So, it’s high time that I do my due diligence as a journalist and provide some information for those who don’t know about all the things we do. A consumer guide for ACEs Connection, if you will.


[For more on this story, written by Jane Stevens of ACEs Connection, go to:].

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