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Tagged With "Healing Communities through Connections"

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Advocates push for yearly screenings of NJ students for drugs, depression

Dwana Young ·
Not many young students will volunteer information, unprompted, about feelings of depression or their recent experimentation with drugs. That's why advocates, school employees and lawmakers are pushing for regular screenings of students at the middle- and high-school levels, as long as their parents consent. With a caseload of 400 students, counselor Cristina Puri at Lincoln Park Middle School typically wouldn't end up seeing a troubled student until someone else sensed an issue or the...
Blog Post

In the Child Welfare System, Black Families Should Matter

Dwana Young ·
Steve Volk | Reimagining a foster care system that errs on the side of protecting children, but disproportionately investigates and punishes Black families more for economic hardship than harm. EDITOR’S NOTE: This is Part One of a two-part series in the “Our Kids” reporting project. Our Kids is a project of the Broke in Philly reporting collaborative that examines the challenges and opportunities facing Philadelphia’s foster care system. (See also Part Two, “Can Racial Bias Be...
Blog Post

Sen. Booker, Reps. Adams & Underwood Introduce Black Maternal Health Week Resolution

Dwana Young ·
22 Co-sponsors in the Senate and over 47 in the House join resolution to raise national awareness of the state of Black maternal health in the United States. WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Representatives Alma Adams (NC-12) and Lauren Underwood (IL-14) introduced a resolution recognizing Black Maternal Health Week, “to bring national attention to the maternal health crisis in the United States and the importance of reducing maternal mortality and morbidity among Black...
Blog Post

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)

Dwana Young ·
April is also Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). Currently, the Division on Women (DOW) supports statewide community-level primary prevention efforts to prevent sexual violence. To advance these efforts, we work with non-traditional partners and consider them as experts in their own lives and community pillars for change . We believe that impactful primary prevention efforts begin with community engagement and providing tools to communities so they can empower themselves. As such, our...
Blog Post

Many say now is the time to fight racial bias in foster care | By DAVID CRARY AP National Writer

Dwana Young ·
Black children have long suffered from racial disparities in the U.S. foster care system Cheri Williams looks back with regret at the start of her career as a child welfare caseworker in 1998. Systemic racism is a major reason why. “I removed probably about 100 kids from their homes in the 15 months I was an investigator … a lot of them were children of color,” said Williams, who's now a vice president of one of the largest adoption and foster care agencies in the United States. “Decades...
Blog Post

NJ To Waive Mandatory Minimum Prison For Non-Violent Drug Crimes

Dwana Young ·
NEW JERSEY – Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal issued a statewide directive to law enforcement Monday, instructing prosecutors to waive mandatory parole disqualifiers—commonly known as mandatory minimum prison terms—for non-violent drug offenses. "We cannot stand by and ignore the unjust and racially disparate impact of these mandatory minimum terms on non-violent drug offenders—primarily young persons of color," Governor Phil Murphy said. "It's been well over a year since the Criminal...
Blog Post

Keyon’s Case Heads to Washington Supreme Court

Dwana Young ·
BY ELIZABETH AMON | The Imprint Shortly before Christmas of 2019, Cheryl Beaver loaded her 6-year-old grandson Keyon onto the school bus, as she did each weekday morning. Beaver, who had cared for the first-grader since he was a baby, was leaving Seattle to attend a niece’s graduation. In her place, she had arranged for her adult son to pick Keyon up from his after-school program. But when the boy’s uncle arrived later that day, Keyon was gone. In a panic, Beaver and his mom, Salina Simpson,...
Blog PostFeatured

The Newark Trust for Education Safe and Supportive Learning Environments (SSLE) Summit: May 10-13th

Dwana Young ·
The Newark Trust for Education is proud to present the third annual Safe and Supportive Learning Environments (SSLE) Summit: Covid-19 & Beyond! This year’s summit will focus on working together with students and families to create safe and supportive learning environments post pandemic. Over the course of four days (May 10th – 13th) participants will hear keynote remarks delivered by experts including Karen L. Mapp, Ed.D. , Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education;...
Blog Post

"Resilience and the Human Spirit: Our Legacy to Infants, Children and Families!"

Dwana Young ·
This year's conference is at no cost, but we are encouraging all to make a donation to the Todd Ouida Children's Foundation at: Click HERE to register SEE AGENDA AND EVENT FLYER ATTCHED.

Dayna Egan


Amanda Adams

Amanda Adams

Prevention Guide 2021.pdf

Dwana Young ·
Blog Post

A Pilot Study of Childhood Experiences of Race-based Trauma from Colorism: Messages of Skin Tone and Hair Type

Dwana Young ·
****This survey is open to everyone from May 1 - May 31**** Tulane University Human Research Protection Office Social/Behavioral IRB Consent Script for Participation in a Research Study What is the research study and why is it being done? You are invited to participate in an anonymous online research study that will analyze the effects of race-based trauma experienced during childhood from colorism and hair type discrimination. This study will investigate how these early experiences, related...
Blog Post

Hospital and Nurse Week 2021

Dwana Young ·
We would like to say THANK YOU to all of our nurses and hospital staff here in New Jersey!! A Brief History of National Nurses Week 1953 Dorothy Sutherland of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare sent a proposal to President Eisenhower to proclaim a "Nurse Day" in October of the following year. The proclamation was never made. 1954 National Nurse Week was observed from October 11 - 16. The year of the observance marked the 100th anniversary of Florence Nightingale's mission...
Blog Post

Yorm Bopha

Dwana Young ·
Yorm Bopha is a Cambodian housing rights and land activist who was jailed for her opposition against a luxury development in her community that led to the ousting of thousands of local residents from their homes. The Boeung Kak Lake is centrally located in the Khmer capital of Phnom Penh, making it prime real estate for foreign developers to expand. When a foreign company was given a 99-year lease to develop in a central, urban area surrounding the lake, Bopha and her neighbors found...

Denise Serbay

Blog Post

5/25 Webinar 2Pm -3Pm EST: Invest in Resilience - Help Students Thrive in the Year Ahead

Dwana Young ·
Register here Looking ahead to the first day of school, consider your students’ emotional well-being as they return in the fall. The past school year has been trying and unusual, and many students have faced varying degrees of hardship and stress. This webinar will provide an overview of the skills students need to build healthy stress management habits. Building protective factors and promoting self-efficacy through ongoing social skills development provides students with strategies and...
Blog Post

Josefa Llanes Escoda

Dwana Young ·
Josefa Llanes Escoda was born in the Philippines and known for her civil work, defending women’s suffrage and work with the resistance. She came to the United States to continue her study in social work during which she also represented the Philippines at the Women’s International League for Peace and the International House. When the Japanese occupation of the Philippines began in 1941, she taught members of the National Federation of Women’s Clubs (NFWC) how to set up emergency aid and...
Blog Post

A century later, she still bears witness to a race massacre - Tulsa Massacre May 31 – June 1, 1921

Dwana Young ·
Viola Ford Fletcher is also still waiting for justice. By TONY NORMAN • Pittsburgh Post-Gazette America has been telling Viola Ford Fletcher to wait for justice ever since she was 7 years old. Now a spry 107, Fletcher is running out of patience with America. Delivered by midwife on a farm in Lawton, Okla., on May 10, 1914, Fletcher was born 138 years after the American experiment commenced in 1776. As a Black daughter of Oklahoma, she had no more reason to believe in America’s promises than...

Kayann Foster

Blog Post

Resources: Engaging Families in Affirming Trauma-Informed Care for LGBTQ Children and Youth

Dwana Young ·
Research has shown that LGBTQ youth who have family support have better outcomes through their youth and into adulthood. This is especially relevant for LGBTQ youth who have experienced trauma and may face ongoing safety concerns related to their identities. This webinar will outline techniques for engaging families in affirming treatment and care of their LGBTQ youth, including a review of strategies used within the Family Acceptance Project (FAP) with founder Caitlin Ryan. FAP, a...
Blog Post

‘An isolated world’ — LGBTQ youth battle mental health issues during pandemic | Hannah Parker | WTOP

Dwana Young ·
The isolation of COVID-19 lockdowns brought about a nearly 30% increase in demand for mental health services throughout the country. But for LGBTQ youth, the isolation and anxiety from the last year has only exacerbated preexisting mental health battles. In 2020, 42% of young LGBTQ people — including more than half of transgender or nonbinary youths — considered suicide, according to a survey conducted from October to December 2020 by The Trevor Project, a national organization that provides...
Blog Post

Video: NJ Actions4ACEs Public Awareness Campaign Launch - 6/23/21

Dwana Young ·
Watch the virtual press conference in which representatives from the NJ ACEs Collaborative, along with State and community leaders, kicked off an exciting new public awareness campaign designed to highlight how we all can play a part to reduce the effects of childhood adversity, through actions both large and small that demonstrate compassion and promote a sense of emotional safety. How will you act to address ACEs in your community? Visit and help amplify this...
Blog Post

Community listening session on white supremacy, domestic threats, & youth extremism with The Division on Civil Rights (DCR)

Dwana Young ·
DCR listening Sessions on White Supremacy Extremist will cover groups in the state, with the specific focus on how youth are recruited to these groups, the role social media plays in that recruitment, and how individuals and the community are harmed by these groups' hateful actions. These listening sessions are part of uplifting our 27 Youth Bias Taskforce Recommendations. Register: Wednesday, July 14th 6:30pm – 8:30pm - Click Here for Zoom Registration For those that are unable to attend...
Blog Post

Think you know something about historical trauma? PACEs Connection's 'Historical Trauma in America' series promises to be an eye-opener

Sofia Javed ·
Per: Jane Stevens , PACEs Connection staff. The murder of George Floyd in May 2020 unleashed hundreds of articles, books, podcasts, film and online documentaries. It’s not that the roots of racism and inequity in historical trauma hadn’t been known about or written about previous to his death (Frederick Douglas, James Baldwin, anyone?), but the pressures of hundreds of years of injustice began a near explosive untangling from the massive twisted and angry knot they’d formed over generations.
Blog Post

Akeera Weathers - The Barbershop Theory

Dwana Young ·
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “barbershop”? Whatever that word is I want you to keep it in the back of your mind as you’re reading this. For me, the first word that comes to mind is healing. I’m sure many of you are reading this thinking “you are so far off from what a barbershop is”, but before you completely write it off let me explain. As someone raised within an urban community, I can tell you 90% of barbershops are owned by African American, Puerto...
Blog Post

The part of healing NOT talked about.

Dwana Young ·
"many people choose to stay where they are, because they don't know who they'll be when they're healed"
Blog Post

PACEs Champion Dwana Young navigates community-driven ACEs healing centers in New Jersey

Sylvia Paull ·
In 2020, New Jersey, a state with about 9 million people spread over the rural countryside and dense urban areas like Newark, launched a new entity: the NJ Office of Resilience (NJOR). The NJOR is unusual because it is a public-private partnership. It brings together three private foundations as well as the NJ Department of Children and Families to provide community-driven strategies for preventing, treating, and healing from ACEs. Like a ship’s navigator laying out a course on charts, Dwana...
Blog Post

Finding Peace in the Midst of Brokenness: Anonymous Blogger

Dwana Young ·
In honor of mental health month I ask myself this question: What is something you need to start saying “yes” to? To most individuals the answer is very simple; minute. Unfortunately for an over thinker and self-doubter like I this is a loaded questions which constitutes a complex answer. My old self wants to run as fast as I can and hide until the question goes away, but the new me is ready to face it head on. So here it goes. I need to start saying yes to MYSELF! Over the past few months,...
Blog Post


Dwana Young ·
TRENTON, N.J. (July 29, 2021) – The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) today announced a $75 million extension of the commercial component of the Economic Redevelopment and Growth (ERG) Program. The Authority also announced that the extended Residential ERG Program, which began accepting applications in June, has been expanded from $50 million to $125 million. More information about the ERG Program is available at . “Thanks to the foresight of...
Blog Post

Give NJ youth mental health treatment, not prison time, advocates say | Patrick Lavery | NJ1015

Dwana Young ·
NEWARK — When gymnastics legend Simone Biles suddenly pulled out of Olympic competition last week, citing a need to focus on her mental health, it prompted two concurrent yet divergent conversations. One, was she neglecting her duty to team and country by refusing to push through and compete, and two, is mental health stigma in sports finally going to be broken down. Ashanti Jones, community engagement manager for the Newark-based New Jersey Institute for Social Justice, said someone does...
Blog Post

When school returns let's focus on resilience — not what's been lost | Javaid Siddiqi

Dwana Young ·
Our educators and families are understandably concerned that students may never fully recover from the traumas brought about by the pandemic this past year - the stress of lockdowns, learning loss, and isolation from extended family and friends are just a few of the issues that experts point to as evidence that children's mental health has been put in jeopardy. Yet while we shore up our mental health systems in schools, we also need to encourage children's resilience. Rather than focusing on...
Blog PostFeatured

RISE From Trauma Act - $4.8 billion grant program

Dwana Young ·
We are in a full court press to support the bi-partisan RISE From Trauma Act and appreciate your engagement! This week’s national and state sign on letter to Senate leadership featured dozens of organizations from around the country. Now we need many voices from throughout your state to increase the number of Senate co-sponsors. Please reach out to your two U.S. Senators to co-sponsor the RISE From Trauma Act. There are two key actions: 1. At least one person from your state needs to make a...
Blog Post

NJ teachers brace for more COVID trauma as pandemic lengthens Michael Symons | NJ1015

Dwana Young ·
TRENTON – Take the regular societal challenges that lead to educational inequities in New Jersey, layer on COVID-related issues that aggravate those problems, and you’ve got the conditions for an even more imbalanced state school system. Then add to that the coronavirus delta variant that has dimmed the light at the lengthening pandemic tunnel and the complications teachers face in the approaching school year get compounded. The state Department of Education held its third annual Statewide...
Blog Post

$500 million in assistance to renters in NJ

Dwana Young ·
Gov. Phil Murphy signed legislation today providing $500 million in assistance to many renters who are behind in their payments due to the coronavirus, in addition to $250 million to help pay off their past-due utility bills. The funding, drawn from federal stimulus allocations to the state, is available to those whose incomes are not more than 120% of the median for the area. Payments can be made for rents that came due and remain unpaid from March of last year through the end of August.
Blog Post

Simone Biles, ACEs and PCEs []

Loren McCullough ·
By the HOPE Team, 7/28/21, Like so many people, we spent part of the weekend transfixed by the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. Despite COVID, no crowds, and troubles with the Tokyo organizing committee, the athletes dazzled us with their speed, endurance and grace. In particular, Simone Biles seems superhuman – a woman who seems to defy gravity and performs gymnastic feats that had been thought to be impossible. She wears her past on her body and outfit: her collarbone bears...
Blog Post

Just 9% of Newark students met state math standards this spring, data show

Dwana Young ·
PATRICK WALL, CHALKBEAT NEWARK | AUGUST 6, 2021 | NJ SPOTLIGHT NEWS Only 11% of students met expectations in reading Newark students suffered extensive learning loss last school year, according to spring 2021 test scores that show for the first time how profoundly the pandemic disrupted students’ academic progress. Just 9% of students in grades 2-8 met state expectations in math based on the results of end-of-year tests taken this spring, according to Newark Public Schools data Chalkbeat...
Blog Post

Quote of the Week

Dwana Young ·
"Healing begins, when you change the way you tell yourself your story" TD Jakes

Kely Bird

Kely Bird
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