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Agency tasked with saving lives of mothers, babies is launched LILO H. STAINTON | NJ Spotlight

Maternal and Infant Health Innovation Authority targets preventable loss of life in childbirth, especially among Black women and newborns. As the board of New Jersey’s new Maternal and Infant Health Innovation Authority sat down for its inaugural meeting Wednesday morning in Trenton, social media was buzzing with the story. Another educated, well-off Black woman had lost her life to childbirth: former Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader Krystal Anderson had died of sepsis days after delivering a...

OOR/ Ministry and Community Connection -- Faith Based Symposium 2024

Use Eventbrite Link to Register: 2024 Office of Resilience Ministry and Community Connections Tickets, Thu, Apr 11, 2024 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite The Office of Resilience (OOR) seeks to endorse strengthening collaborations, expanding local resources, and building the capacity to provide resources and supports to communities through faith-based efforts. The OOR intends to engage statewide faith-based leaders in the hopes of exploring and fostering potential partnerships. The goal of the...

The White House is highlighting NJ’s regional health hubs. Here’s why.

The hubs coordinate medical and social services, especially for people with complex challenges like homelessness or addiction. When state health officials sought to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates in Camden — one of a handful of communities lagging statewide immunization levels in July 2021 — they turned to the Camden Coalition for help. The Coalition, a nonprofit alliance founded two decades ago to improve health outcomes in the city, distributed information about the benefits of...

DCF Documentary, Truth to Transformation, to Screen at Garden State Film Festiva

DCF Documentary, Truth to Transformation , to Screen at Garden State Film Festival Documentary Short Follows the Stories of Three People Affected by the Child Welfare System as They Work with the Department to Co-Design the Future of Child Welfare in NJ ASBURY PARK, N.J. – Over the last six years, the New Jersey Department of Children and Families has been actively working to change the narrative of child welfare in the state, to promote a vision of a family-serving system that helps all...

February Collective Care Through the CRC & PACEs Movement: The Way Forward for Civil & Human Rights is Trauma-Informed

Nationally recognized days of awareness remind us of important civil and human rights movements led by Black and African-American communities and social justice advocates. February puts leadership, education, access, justice, policy, and governance under the spotlight. Through a PACEs science lens, this month is an opportunity to consider trauma-informed transformation through a PACEs science lens as the way forward.

Microgrant Moment: Makers Place- YOU FIRST!

Makers Place, launched in July 2018, was founded on the principles of asset-based community development, emphasizing the value of building relationships and fostering a sense of community strength. Instead of focusing on what a community lacks, Makers Place recognizes and celebrates the inherent gifts within each individual. The organization is committed to bringing people together and leveraging community support to create a more unified and empowered environment. The challenges posed by...

Trauma, Healing and Resilience

Idalmis T. Lamourt, MSW, LSW Assistant Director DCF Office of Resilience As I began my new position at the Office of Resilience, I found myself thinking a lot about the word trauma. We hear the term so often that we can become numb to it. But that isn’t case for those of us who have been impacted by trauma. We don’t become desensitized to what it truly means or what it took to get through that trauma. And each new trauma builds upon past ones. The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health...

Microgrant Moment – Center for Prevention and Counseling’s Toolkits and the Education for Success Initiative Program

At the Center for Prevention and Counseling (CPC), staff are committed to seamlessly integrating strategies and education on healthy youth development They saw a natural alignment between Search Institute's 40 Developmental Assets for youth and the importance of raising awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), including strategies to prevent and mitigate their impact. Using funding from the Department of Children and Families’ Office of Resilience microgrants, CPC staff developed...

Microgrant Moment: Champions For Life

Program Name: Champions For Life RAC: Give a Kid a Dream Person of Contact: Jacklyn Atkins In her long professional career, Jacklyn Atkins has a diverse background. From being the Executive Director of Research and Development at AT&T to working with at-risk youth in Long Branch, to traveling to India for similar work. Her travel required long absences from her clients in New Jersey, which became increasingly difficult, eventually leading her to build her own program- Champions for Life.

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