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Talking ACEs in Nova Scotia


March 7th, 2019 Update: Here is the link to the interview described below.

Mark your calendars for Feb. 11 at 9 pm AST. I was recently interviewed for a radio show called Mental Health - Let's Talk About It. The show is live streamed via so everyone can access it wherever you are. 

As some of you know I've been talking ACEs in Nova Scotia for over 4 years against much resistance. This was the first opportunity I have been invited to speak, and I'm very thankful to Charlene Pickrem of the host for her courage to broadcast such an essential conversation. 

I share a few personal examples to help the audience connect. It's a community radio station so pretty low key so my lack of polish doesn't hurt my message as much as it would on a bigger stage. 

I was actually caught a little off guard because I didn't know we would be exclusively talking about ACEs. It just turned out that way. I would have prepared better if I had known. But I still think what I said will be helpful to those who listen. 

As some of you also know my primary focus is providing 1st voice insight into the lifelong effects of ACEs. I'm almost 60 and I've been working my whole life to free myself from the lies I was taught in my early life about myself, others, and the world. I am confident, competent, strong, and still I cannot seem to protect myself from interpersonal assaults. So I try to get other adults to deal with their own issues so we will stop hurting each other. 

So much time, energy, opportunity, gets lost while we're having to recover from new adverse experiences. If adults would just acknowledge their pain and accept their accountability for dealing with it, I truly believe we could make a better world for each other. 

I'm intending for 2019 to be a good year for me and my endeavours. This radio interview is a great start. I hope you'll listen in and enjoy.  

Elizabeth Perry



#LivedAndLearnedExpertise         (Thanks Cissy White!) 

#TraumaInformedByTraumaSurvivors     (Thanks Cissy White!)






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