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PBS Broadcast of Broken Places available in Canada


Hi Fellow ACEs and Trauma Informed Allies,

If you missed the Resilience and Paper Tigers screenings, or if you want more access to  ACEs, Trauma and Toxic Stress films, tonight, Monday April 6 th you may get a chance.

PBS broadcasts in the USA aren't always available in Canada, so I just assumed I wouldn't be able to see Broken Places during this campaign. However, after I received their email notification today reminding me of the film broadcast tonight, I thought I'd make the effort to check and see if it really was available in my region - Nova Scotia.

To my absolute delight, I found it scheduled for 11 pm. Of course that's too late for me to stay up and watch, but I set my pvr to record it. I can watch it at my leisure over the holiday weekend, after I've settled down again from watching Resilience and Paper Tigers. 

I thought you'd like to know this was a potential option for you too.

So check it out.

Broken Places on PBS tonight. Hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised as well.

Here's the link to the event posting on the main page of ACEs Connection if you'd like more information.

We're gaining interest and momentum and having lots of opportunity to create #ACEsAwareCanada #TraumaInformedCanada #ResilientCanada.

Denise and I are so delighted you've joined us.

We also encourage you to to connect with other Canadian and International #ACEsAllies on Twitter.

The more who know the more salient the knowledge is and the easier it will be to inspire policy change to address it. 

Elizabeth Perry @ACEsCanada2020

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