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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesAll Children Excel (ACE) Nashville (TN)

All Children Excel (ACE) Nashville (TN)

The mission of ACE Nashville is to prevent and mitigate the lifelong impact of childhood adversity to improve the safety, health and prosperity of our community. Our vision is for Nashville, and Tennessee, to be a safe, stable, and nurturing community for all.

Tagged With "Nashville TN"

Blog Post

2018 Building Strong Brains Tennessee ACEs Summit

Ingrid Cockhren ·
The 2018 Building Strong Brains Tennessee ACEs Summit took place last week in Nashville, TN. The theme of this year’s summit was “Celebrating Successes and Imagining Possibilities” and there is plenty to celebrate. Tennessee is one of the most innovative states when it comes to ACEs awareness. Tennessee understands that childhood trauma is the root cause of its poor health outcomes, high rates of addiction and other ailments. And Tennessee is doing something about it. Tennessee’s leadership...
Blog Post

Addressing ACES - A Call to Action

Becky Haas ·
Nearly 700 members of our community gathered in Blountville, Tennessee last week for the inaugural Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) Summit.This call to action provided inspiration and education for professionals to take the next steps toward implementing trauma informed programming in their specific service areas. Keynote speakers Liz Murray “Homeless to Harvard”, Dr. Stephanie Covington, Dr. Andi Clements and Becky Haas. #balladhealth #addressingaces #East Tennessee State...
Blog Post

Addressing ACEs - A Call to Action - upcoming event July 11.

Becky Haas ·
Please join us in Northeast Tennessee on July 11th for the "Addressing ACEs - A Call To Action" event. Keynote speakers include best selling author, Liz Murray who will be sharing her "Homeless to Harvard" story, internationally recognized clinician, Dr. Stephanie Covington sharing, "Trauma and the Three “Rs”: Recognize, Respond, Recover", Dr. Andi Clements and Becky Haas presenting, "How to Create a Trauma Informed Community" based on the Johnson City model which has gained national...
Blog Post

Advocating for trauma informed schools

Jared Elzey ·
In today's Tennessean: the good work of ACE Nashville's Policy Workgroup. Nice job, y'all! ACE Nashville calls on public schools to dedicate funds toward trauma-informed practices
Blog Post

Great ideas from somewhere else: helping homeless kids.

Jared Elzey ·
Building schools for homeless children can help alleviate the strain, and give them a place to play with friends.
Blog Post

Keeping Kids and Parents Together: A Healthier Approach to Sentencing in Tennessee []

Clare Reidy ·
Human Impact Partners has released “Keeping Kids and Parents Together: A Healthier Approach to Sentencing in Tennessee”, a report about the health and equity affects--grounded in the ACEs science--of a proposed policy to expand the use of sentencing alternatives to incarceration for parents of dependent children. Fact Sheet: Full Report: ...
Blog Post

More Addiction Specialists Say Complete Abstinence Isn’t The Answer For Those Hooked On Opioids [Nashville Public Radio]

Jennifer Travieso ·
Even asking how best to wean drug abusers off opioids can raise hackles. Addiction specialists have straddled a philosophical divide over the use of pharmaceuticals in the process. But the side advocating against medication assisted treatment is shrinking in Tennessee and nationwide. One line of thinking is that freedom from all drugs is the only real recovery. So it’s been difficult for those with that mindset to embrace special opioids that tame the cravings and ward off the misery of...
Blog Post

"Moving from Understanding to Implementing Trauma-Responsive Services" Takeaways from SAMSHA Forum in Johnson City 9.5.19

Carey Sipp ·
Speakers and guests at the SAMSHA Forum included (l-r) Mary Rolando of the Department of Children's Services; Chrissy Haslam, First Lady of Tennessee; Dr. Joan Gillece, SAMSHA Center for Trauma Informed Care; Dr. Andi Clements, East Tennessee State University; Becky Haas, Johnson City Police Department; Carey Sipp, ACEs Connection, and Robin Crumley, Boys & Girls Club of Johnson City/Washington County. It was easy to be both inspired and a bit overwhelmed at the Substance Abuse and...
Blog Post

"Moving from Understanding to Implementing Trauma-Responsive Services" Takeaways from SAMSHA Forum in Johnson City 9.6.19

Carey Sipp ·
It was easy to be both inspired and a bit overwhelmed -- in a good way -- at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) forum hosted by Johnson City, TN, last week. Amazing work is being done in Johnson City, by scores of organizations that have come together under the leadership of Becky Haas of the Johnson City Police Department, and Dr. Andi Clements of East Tennessee State University. Just keeping track of the number of programs and imagining the amount of...
Blog Post

National Council for Behavioral Health Conference #NatCon19

Ingrid Cockhren ·
Last month, I had the pleasure of attending the annual National Council for Behavioral Health Conference. I have been to my fair share of conferences but #NatCon19 was one of the best. First, I'm biased. It took place in my city, Nashville, TN . And the venue was the world renowned Opryland Hotel's Gaylord Convention Center . And, I love, love, love the Opryland Hotel ! As any seasoned conference goer, I had a strategy when it came to which sessions and events I wanted to attend. My game...
Blog Post

New Community!!! Ardmore OK Behavioral Health Collaborative

Ingrid Cockhren ·
I'm excited to announce the newest ACEs Connection geographic community for my region, the Midwest & TN: Ardmore OK Behavioral Health Collaborative . This community is a partnership of local organizations taking a trauma-informed stance on behavioral health in Carter County, OK. Their goal is to build a healthy, connected and resilient community. The community manager is Ashley Godwin . Ashley Godwin joined Ardmore Behavioral Health Collaborative in March 2017 as the Director where she...
Blog Post

Northeast Tennessee Embraces Empathy as a Path to Healing

Becky Haas ·
[Editor's note: I thought y'all might be interested in what's happening in another part of the state. Becky Haas wrote this for the Northeast Tennessee ACEs Connection group .] In 2012 I was hired by the Johnson City Police Department as director of an $800,000 grant-funded Targeted Community Crime Reduction Project to reduce drug-related and violent crime in two Johnson City, TN, neighborhoods historically known for highest rates of these crimes. This project required a collaborative...
Blog Post

Personal stories the set tone of hearing in U.S. Senate HELP Committee on Opioid Crisis Response Act

Jennifer Donahue, Delaware Office of the Child Advocate, testifies before the HELP Committee (Jennifer Perry to her right) ____________________________________________________________ Some seasoned advocates say legislators are influenced by stories while their staffs are swayed by data. There was some of both at the April 11 hearing on the draft Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018 of the U.S. Senate HELP (Health, Education, Labor & Pensions) Committee but it was the personal stories that...
Blog Post

Sesame Street will help Memphis kids with their ACEs

Tiffany Thomas-Turner ·
Every child deserves to grow up with a strong connection to a caring adult and a loving family. But for one in four kids in Shelby County, a supportive relationship with a parent figure isn’t so easy to come by. The legacy of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) — ranging from physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; physical or emotional neglect; the loss of a parent through illness, death, divorce, or incarceration; or domestic violence or substance abuse within the family — places barriers...
Blog Post

Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Series Overview [Video]

Ingrid Cockhren ·
The first session of the Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & IRL (In Real Life) was a success. Over 100 ACEs Connection members tuned in despite some issues with registration. I have embedded the video in this post. You have also find the video on the ACEs Connection site here . If you have any questions about the series, please contact Ingrid Cockhren , TN & Midwest Community Facilitator.
Blog Post

Trauma Informed in Metro Nashville Public Schools: Mary Crnobori

Jared Elzey ·
ACE Nashville's Dr. Mary Crnobori on her trauma-informed work in Metro Nashville Public Schools. (podcast)
Blog Post

Trauma Informed Schools Network Conference: Cultivating Connections

Mathew Portell ·
We hope you will join ther first annual Trauma Informed Schools Network Conference: Cultivating Connections coming to Nashville, TN in mid-July. Details to come soon. The RFP wil open this Friday.
Blog PostFeatured

Welcome to ACE Nashville

Jared Elzey ·
Interested in joining the movement? Learn about us, and help us learn about you!
Blog Post

What If I Told You?

Ingrid Cockhren ·
What if I told you that I was a victim of child sex abuse? As a survivor of child sexual abuse , I have a clear understanding of the importance of addressing stigma and shame as it pertains to sexual abuse, sexual assault and rape. Victims, especially young children, often do not disclose sexual abuse. Those who are witnesses of child sexual abuse, or who are trusted by survivors enough that they confide in them, are often ill-equipped to handle the responsibility. And, many times, parents...

Re: National Council for Behavioral Health Conference #NatCon19

Jared Elzey ·
Encouraging highlights! Looking forward to the release of Giridharadas' book.

Re: Great ideas from somewhere else: helping homeless kids.

Kellie Reed Ashcraft ·
Wow! A place for learning and growth where we "wrap-around" children and families to meet their needs and build on their strengths! Thanks for sharing Jared!

Re: Trauma Informed in Metro Nashville Public Schools: Mary Crnobori

Cortney Edmondson ·
Thanks for sharing this!

Lori Myers

Lori Myers

nelda fulghum


Kim Wallace

Kim Wallace

Elliot Pinsly


Allison Hill

Allison Hill

Kevin Thomas


Mary Crnobori

Mary Crnobori

Joyce Hillman


Kamrie Reed

Kamrie Reed

Mary Hill


Jessica Prior


CAry Rayson


Alexine Batts

Alexine Batts

Sara Figal


Lydia Burris

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