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March 2018

Some Students Won't Settle for Gun Control. They Want Community Transformation []

On Wednesday, thousands of students around the United States answered a national call to action by walking out of class. But while the initial ask from Women's March Youth EMPOWER called for students, teachers and school administrators to exit their school buildings for 17 minutes to demand "gun reform legislation, "yesterday's protesters did not rally behind a uniform message. While many students held to a general demand for more gun laws, others went different routes. For example, students...

How to Bring Self-Compassion to Work with You []

“I’m going to fail. This is a total sham.” “I’m not smart enough to do this. Why did I ever think I could?” “Why is no one else having this problem? Everyone is doing better at this than me.” Sound familiar? That is what we sometimes say to ourselves when things don’t go well at work and we’re feeling nervous or inadequate. Maybe we’ve missed a deadline, embarrassed ourselves during a presentation, or snapped at a colleague, and these thoughts come up relentlessly, wreaking havoc with our...

These Photos Will Change the Way You Think About Race in Coal Country []

Black folks have a gift for complicating the stories that Americans like to tell about themselves. Our presence, for instance, makes it hard to accept the notion that the United States was “conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” It’s a comforting myth and a useful one as well. Abraham Lincoln put it to good use when he spoke those words at Gettysburg, rallying the Union in a time of crisis. But, as history, this foundational myth was...

Watch Replay: Mary Giuliani LIVE, Book Review: Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions by Johann Hari

If you have struggled with depression, anxiety or are taking psychotropic medications, this show is for you! After I read this book I was so blown away about the author’s radical, new way of thinking about depression and anxiety, that I just had to do a book review show on this extremely important topic. The book is all about what really causes depression and anxiety – and how we can solve them. Across the world, Hari found social scientists who were uncovering evidence that depression and...

Public Health Minute: Veteran Mental Health

Studies suggest that 20% of veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan suffer from major depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, yet only half of returning veterans receive needed treatment. Dr. Angela Giles, DBH, LCSW is a Faculty Associate in the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University. Her teaching focuses on the military/veteran culture and the integrated healthcare needs and management concerns related to the population. Her research interests include, PTSD, TBI,...

A Maryland Court Rules to Protect a Transgender Student's Locker Room Access []

A United States District Court in Maryland ruled in favor of a transgender teen whose school was barring him from using the men's locker room, the Washington Post reports . The student, Max Brennan, was initially required to use a gender-neutral restroom . Following a U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that sent a bathroom case to the Supreme Court, his school allowed him to use the boys' bathroom, but still forbade him from using the boys' locker room, forcing him at times to choose between being...

California’s tax on millionaires yields big benefits for people with mental illness, study finds []

A statewide tax on the wealthy has significantly boosted mental health programs, helping to reduce homelessness, incarceration and hospitalization, according to a report released Tuesday. Revenue from the tax, the result of a statewide initiative passed in 2004, also expanded access to therapy and case management to almost 130,000 people up to age 25 in Los Angeles County, according to the report by the Rand Corp. Many were poor and from minority communities, the researchers said. “Our...

Promoting Agency & Employee Wellness

Wellness is a key ingredient to building a more resilient workforce and has been a big part of the journey in becoming trauma-informed. I was asked by a police lieutenant last week what our agency, Greater Richmond SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now) does to promote wellness. I told him about recent activities that I've organized within the CAC TFT Program (Child Advocacy Center Trauma-Focused Treatment Program) that I oversee and about ongoing agency efforts. This conversation got me thinking that...

School Segregation Is Not a Myth []

Is school segregation getting worse? Plenty of people say yes, including scholars , journalists , and civil-rights advocates . For the first time in years, there’s something approximating a consensus: Racially divided schools are a major and intensifying problem for American education—maybe even a crisis . There’s seemingly compelling numerical evidence, too. According to my analysis of data from the National Center on Education Statistics, the number of segregated schools (defined in this...

Fewer Innocent Inmates Were Released From Prison In 2017, Study Says []

No one knows how many people wrongfully convicted of crimes are in prison, but last year 139 of them were exonerated. That's a drop from 2016, when there were 171 such cases. The numbers released today by the National Registry of Exonerations shows that Texas still led the nation with 23 exonerees last year followed by Illinois (21), Michigan (14) and New York (13). Professor Barbara O'Brien, a Michigan State University law professor and editor of the National Registry, says a record high...

Could mindfulness prevent major depression? []

Subclinical depression , which is also referred to as subthreshold depression, is defined as the presence of depressive symptoms that are not yet severe or persistent enough to warrant a diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD). Depressive symptoms include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or guilt, lack of energy and fatigue , problems sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and suicidal thoughts . If such symptoms are present almost every day for a minimum of 2 weeks, then this would...

Educational success curbs effects of child abuse, neglect []

The emotional and sexual abuse that some children endure can lead them to commit crimes later in life. But when children achieve good grades and don't skip school, the likelihood of self-reported, chronic criminal behaviors declines significantly, according to researchers at the University of Michigan and University of Washington. This new ongoing study is one of the few in the nation to follow the same individuals over several decades to learn about how child maltreatment -- described as...

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