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Toxic Stress & ACEs


Here on PACEs Connection, we know the impact ACEs can have on our mental and physical health as children and into adulthood. But something we don’t talk about as often is how to manage and heal from that toxic stress as adults.

Toxic stress results in prolonged activation of the stress response, with a failure of the body to recover fully.* This prolonged activation of the body’s stress response increases inflammation, weakens the immune system, disrupts hormones, and even alters the reasoning, decision-making, and stress response centers of the brain.

And whether it stems from ACEs, AAEs (Adverse Adult Experiences), or is just a type of chronic stress from daily pressures and challenges, it needs to be treated with care to avoid damage to one’s self, relationships, and life.

When one experiences toxic stress, those pent-up negative emotions re-wire the brain, impact the conscious and unconscious mind, and negatively impact the body’s tissues and organs. It can also lead to unhealthy behaviors and coping mechanisms—like emotional eating or addiction—in an attempt to escape or release the unbearable stress.

Sometimes, the toxic stress has been with you for so long that it becomes your baseline, it’s damage unconscious despite the fact that it’s wreaking havoc on your mind and body from the inside out.

As a stress management expert who has been working with clients for over three decades, I’ve seen the damaging effects of ACEs and toxic stress firsthand. Back in the 80s and to this day, I work closely with Dr. Felitti on the treatment side of ACEs. Whereas the ACE Study provided valuable information on the impact of ACEs into adulthood, I’ve dedicated my life to helping people mitigate the impact of those ACEs, beat the statistics, heal their trauma, and move forward in health and happiness.

In essence, what I provide is clinically proven ACE treatment solutions.

I’ve packaged my best, tried-and-true stress management techniques from the past three decades of work with students, patients, and private clients into my flagship course, Less Stress Now. Dr. Felitti, the Co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study, endorses this course as an effective treatment solution for ACEs and stress.

LSN course image

It’s an online, self-paced, 12-week video course with exercises and resources that only require 10 minutes or less a day. It’s filled with the best, clinically proven stress management solutions in the world.

Now through the month of November, I’m offering a free one-on-one Zoom session with each course so you can get custom support for your unique needs. If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, click here to learn more about the course, join, and schedule your private session.


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  • LSN course image

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