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Dr. Vincent Felitti: “The Origins of Addiction: Evidence from the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study”

Dr. Vincent Felitti on “The Origins of Addiction: Evidence from the ACE Study”

  Please see pivotal article by Dr. Felitti, “The Origins of Addiction - Evidence from the ACE Study,” just posted at  It's been published only in Germany; never in the U.S...

  After I heard Russell Brand say that what compels addicts is the “hole in me,”  I blogged Feb.12 that this means: “parts of my brain are dark." And it's so painful, we just medicate, even if it kills us. Huge numbers of our population are in pain so bad they’d rather die than live with the pain.

    In response, Dr. Felitti, with great patience, sent me his 2003 “The Origins of Addiction: Evidence from the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study.”  It reported these facts 10+ years ago in hard statistics -- and more.

    Until we treat the underlying ACE trauma, Dr. Felitti says, nothing will change and a high percent of people will continue to die early. Period.

    Dr. Felitti also sent the above fascinating photo, a full page ad in a 1943 American medical journal for the successful new antidepressant of that day, Methamphetamine.  “Does it mean anything that in impure form and unknown dose the same chemical is sold as the street drug known as crystal meth?” he wrote.  “Like maybe, ‘My kid is buying antidepressants on the street’ ? ”

    If anyone says Dr. Felitti “wants to hand out drugs,” I’d love to see them in libel court.  It seems rather his message is short and sweet:  Unless we treat ACE trauma, traumatized people will find something, anything, somehow, to numb the horrific emotional pain of ACE trauma. Most of which cause premature death of some sort.

    Please see


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  • Methamphetamine1943Ad

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